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love potion

     "yang jeongin!" yelled seungmin as he saw jeongin with chan. seungmin glared at chan and dragged jeongin away. jeongin whined in pain as seungmin kept dragging him by his wrist.

"seungmin it hurts.." he said, trying to yank his hand away from seungmin's grasp. seungmin finally let him go and gave him a death glare, "explain." he said.

"explain what?"

"all these things! why the hell are you guys hanging out with those guys!?" he asked.

jeongin tilted his head, "what? so it's just only you can hang out with hyunjin and we can't?" he asked then crossed his arms. seungmin raised an eyebrow while making a shrug pose, "what?" he laughed.

"me? hyunjin? hang out? are you crazy?" he continued to laugh, "but seriously are you guys putting a prank on me? just yesterday he freakin spilled his drink on me and now you guys are together?" he laughed.

jeongin stopped, "spilled drink?" he asked, then he remembered about hyunjin took seungmin somewhere last night, "ah.. are you talking about last night?"

"what? last night?" he asked.

jeongin then ruffled his hair, "what are you talking about then?!"

"you know? yesterday? that freakin hyunjin spilled his lilac drink on me? my novel is ruined because of him!"

"the love potion..?"

"hello? im talking to you." seungmin snapped his fingers in front of jeongin. he jumped and looked at seungmin, "you know what? just forget about it. i just wanna talk about felix." he said.

jeongin gulped, "not again."

"is he and changbin a thing?" he asked.

jeongin scratched his neck, "yeah? we kinda forced him to confess to changbin." said jeongin.

"what? we? what are you talking about? why would i force my crush- ahh im going crazy because of this."

"seungmin are you okay? do have amnesia? did you hit your head? why are you-" he stopped.

"if he didn't remember literally anything.. does that mean he's going back to his own self..? does the love potion ended already? i thought it'll last longer.."

"seungmin.. i think.. im gonna talk to you later. see ya!"


breaktime came, chan invited them to the rooftop and have lunch together, they all agreed but seungmin. he didn't want to, especially when there's hyunjin, he hates him. he stomped to the cafeteria in madness. he then found jisung and minho eating together, so he went to their table and sat down next to jisung.

"oh hey seung." they greeted.

"hey." he said.

"are you okay?" they asked.



"my friends betrayed me." he said with his arms crossed.

"hm? but you guys were just fine last night?" minho asked. seungmin groaned, "i've had enough with these things! last night that, last night this! what happened last night?! nothing happened last night! i was just sleeping last night!"

"uh we went to the amusement park last night."

"what? so you guys went without me?" he scoffed.

"um.. we as in three of us, felix jeongin hyunjin changbin and chan."

"ew- what? we? were hanging out with hyunjin and his friends? eww- did we drink or something? why can't i remember a thing?"

"no we didn't. but i don't know if you and hyunjin did." jisung shrugged.

"what? why me and him?"

"are you seriously forgot everything? you guys went early because hyunjin wanted to bring you somewhere." said minho.

seungmin rubbed his face, "what?"

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