28. cry a lil

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8/4 1:04am
gucci hoes

can someone tell me why im sitting here freaking out over how much shit i need to do in less than eight hours but not doing any of it 🤔🤔

like Ogey @ myself but the solution to ur problem is to stop being a dumb bitch

pretty alyssa:
Phat mood but u okay?

gorgeous george
What's up Kai

breathtaking bella:
oof ive been in that situation so many times

my friends r coming over n staying with me for a week but i havent left my room in like four days n everythings a mess n they arrive at 9-10ish can someone pls kill me

i keep telling myself to get out of bed but all ive managed to do is slide onto the floor and cry a lil lmao

smexy megan:
oh hun we PRAYING for you ive been in a similar sitch and i just sat sobbing on the floor until i eventually just cancelled

ive been cancelling plans all week but i cant cancel this bc theyre literally flying up to see me but ye sobbing on the floor time it is

smexy megan:
hoe i think tf not we are gonna sort u out okay

tf u mean??

smexy megan:
send us the address and i'll haul my ass over there

i may not be able to clean my own room but as soon as one of my friends gets hit with Depression Spiral™️ my name changes to Mr Clean

pretty alyssa:
MEGAN UR A GENIUS okay Kai we got u

are yall fr?

breathtaking bella:

gorgeous george:
We're pros at sneaking out of our houses at 1am, we got you

tysm holy shit you guys are lifesavers

im so fucking thankful for yall i cant even express it bless okay


Alyssa added to her private story!

Alyssa carefully unlatches her window and pushes it open. We can see a car outside. The video zooms in as one of the back car doors open, revealing a blonde (Bella) and a filipina with short hair (Megan).

The text reads "Sneaking out at 1am to help a friend vibez"


megan💕 added to her story!

We watch as Bella tumbles through the window into Kairi's room, landing on the floor, and the room bursts into barely-stifled giggles. We can hear a few whispers in the background as music plays, extremely softly.

The text reads "ten years of being a gymnast put to good use".


itz bella added to her private story!

Alyssa, a tall, curly brunette, walks past carrying a laundry basket full of clothes. The camera pans to show Kairi and George picking up trash, then moves to show Megan folding t-shirts and putting them away.

Already, the floor is significantly cleaner than the first story. The camera flips to front-facing so we see Bella whispering encouragements to them.

The text reads: "i swear im being helpful i just finished organising shit so im taking a break".


megan💕 added to her story!

The room is entirely clean. Kairi and Alyssa stand in front of Kairi's phonestand doing a TikTok. Bella jumps in with the parts that she knows, which isn't much. George watches on, very confused. The camera zooms in on his face.

The text reads: "apparently kairi hasn't made a tiktok in like a week so hes making a bunch of drafts love that for him"


George added to his story!

The sun has started to come up as we can see sun shine on George's face as he lies on the ground. George slowly pans the camera to show Alyssa, Megan, Bella and Kairi on the now spotless floor, either asleep or scrolling through their phones.

The text reads: "The bedsheets are in the wash so this is where we're napping ig".


itz bella added to her private story!

The camera slowly zooms in on Alyssa scrolling through Kairi's TikTok.

"I don't think I've shown you guys this," she says, "which is crazy since it's like our origin story." She finally finds the TikTok Kairi made when drunk with her and George. Bella bursts into giggles. Near the end, Alyssa says, "Here's the moment where we became friends," right as they enter the bathroom and the video ends.

Megan shushes them from the floor, face down on the carpet. "We're sleeping." She, George and Kairi are all curled together

Bella flips the camera and shrugs, before deciding to join the pile, Alyssa following soon after.

The text reads: "good night my hoes" and a time sticker tells us that it's 6:20am.


a/n ogey so originally every fifth chapter was gonna be like proper story chapter (e.g. not texts/instagram) but its gonna be next chapter instead hehe

also we stan kairi straight up saying "yeah i kiss boys. ive kissed six boys" in his stream. 👀 we know who one of them is at least

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