40. i hate it here

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a/n YALL I- ty wth 💕💕

also this chapter do be taking place in therapy tho so lots of talk with his mental health n also mentions of suicidal thoughts (but he doesnt actually think them, kais telling the therapist that he doesnt think that)


Session 1.

Kairi's eyes danced around the room, looking at everything but the lady in front of him. The second-hand on the clock hanging on the wall ticked slower and slower each time he glanced up. His heartrate refused to settle, and he just knew she was observing his white-knuckled fists and the way his leg bounced up and down.

"So, Kairi, this session is just for us to get acquainted. If you feel a question is too personal, you can refuse to answer and we'll circle back to it once you're comfortable. Everything you say in this session is entirely confidential, except for if a court orders to see relevant records or if I believe you pose a danger to yourself or others. Do you have any questions before we begin?" Dr. Hita asked, looking at him expectantly. Her voice was surprisingly soothing.

Kairi shook his head, stomach tying in knots. "I'm good, thanks."

"Why don't you tell me about yourself?" She suggested, trying to prompt him.

"Um... What do you want to know?"

"Well, anything you feel comfortable sharing. It could be about your family, your hobbies, your job, your friends, your significant other-"

Kairi must have met her eyes at that point, because she paused.

"So, do you have a girlfriend?" His jaw tensed, but Dr Hita was unfazed. "Boyfriend, then?"

Kairi briefly worried about how she'd react- until he remembered that his mum had specifically chosen Dr Hita because she had worked with LGBT people before. "I- uh, yeah. His name's Mattia." The name itself calmed him, and her soft smile made him feel at ease.

"How long have you been dating?"

"Today marks two months. He's, um, taking me out after this to celebrate." Kairi's leg stilled, his shoulders gradually untensing the more he talked. "We're going ice-skating because I really like it, but he's pretty bad." The therapist huffed a laugh, and Kairi finally cracked a smile.

"Sounds like a great time! Did you do something similar for your one-month-anniversary, then?"

"Um, not really. We just spent the day together, because the day before, Mattia got suspended and I had to go to hospital. I'm fine now though, and he did bring me flowers. And, uh, he called me out on saying I love you, because apparently I hadn't done that since we started dating. He got so excited over it, it was kind of ridiculous." He smiled again at the memory, happy to talk about such a good moment.

"Oh! Were you friends beforehand?"

"Yeah, we've been friends since freshman year. It's me, Mattia, Alejandro and Robert. Alvaro and Roshaun moved to Florida, but they're still part of our group. Oh, that's another thing - We all do TikTok. It's stupid, I guess."

"Do you enjoy it?"

"I mean, yeah, but..."

"Then why is it stupid? If you all have fun doing it, why be ashamed of it?"

Kairi shrugged and chuckled. "Some people just say things I guess. Last year- well, never mind."

"I'm here to listen to you, Kairi. What happened last year?"

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