29. simply by existing, you have worth

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a/n thinking of starting a new book 👀 i'd want to write a few chapters before i publish but 👀👀


Alejandro's a little worried, he won't lie. First, Kairi doesn't read his text telling him that they've arrived at the airport. He doesn't think much of that one - maybe he's still asleep. They're not due to arrive at his house for another hour after all.

Second, Mattia sends his good morning text, and also lets him know that they're en route to his house now - also left unread and not responded to. Alejandro sees the way his eyes flick to his phone, brows furrowed, so he takes it from him and starts making TikToks with Alvaro and Roshaun in the back. That takes his mind off of things - he had missed those two idiots. They trade stories, talk about old lives and discuss their plans for the week, and Alejandro gets swept up in the chatter.

His excitements peaks when they pull up to Kairi's house and they see Robert arriving at the same time. The boys spend a few moments catching up and they finally knock on the door. Instead of it opening immediately to a happy smiling wasian, they wait. And wait.

"What the fuck is Kairi doing?" Roshaun asks.

Alejandro frowns while the others shrug.

"I'd say he and Mattia are fucking, but..." Alvaro glances to his side where Mattia stands, also frowning at the door, not cracking a smile like the rest.

The door swings open. Alejandro smiles- only for it to drop.

"Sorry boys," Kairi's mum says. "Come in, come in. He's still asleep."

The boys race in, stopping to say hello, and go up the stairs. Robert, Alvaro and Roshaun whoop and yell on their way up, but Alejandro and Mattia glance at each other, following behind.

"Wake up- what the fuck?!" Roshaun yells, having made it to the room first. Robert and Alvaro stand in the doorway, murmuring similar obscenities.

"What the fuck is going on?" Mattia snaps, shoving his way through with Alejandro close behind.

He's lowkey expecting to see Kairi dead on the floor by the way they're all acting. His heart pounds in his ears as he scans the room, then looks down.

"Kairi? Alyssa?" Mattia says, incredulous and very confused. Alejandro can't blame him.

Their friend is lying on the floor with three girls and a guy - at least he recognises two of the four. Kairi looks completely out of it - as does one of the girls Alejandro doesn't know and Alyssa. George and the blonde though look like deer caught in headlights- until the blonde starts giggling, which sets off the rest of them.

He looks around the room and sees the bed completely bare, which only adds to his confusion.

"Last I checked, you were gay," Roshaun finally says, drawing the rest of the guys out of their stupor.

"Kairi's pulling," Alvaro jokes in that way you do when everyone's uncomfortable.

"Bubba, what's going on?" Mattia asks.

That's a good question. What's going on encompasses the several questions going through Alejandro's mind, namely:

Who are the other two girls?

Why are they all on the floor?

Why is the bedding gone?

Why does Kairi look so glassy-eyed?

Why are they all cuddling?

And lastly, what the fuck happened?

Kairi has the audacity to blink at him and shrug.

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