-Back On My Feet!-

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It was a new morning. Kai was still fast asleep in his bed like he normally is at this time. It was 11:00 and in just a few hours Kai could finally get out of his wheelchair.

Kai laid there, asleep with his body facing towards the ceiling as the time passed. Moments later Kai woke up by the ringing sound from his alarm clock. He swiftly swung his arm across himself to stop the alarm clock, in doing so it fell to the ground.

Kai yawned and stretched his arms in the air. He looked to his side to see his wheelchair beside him. He looked at it for a moment, knowing that today was the last day he was going to use it. He was determined that he wasn't going to get back in it that day, even though he quite liked using it.

He grabbed his phone and looked at his clock and watched at the time change to 12:00, and that meant he only had one more hour to go.

Counting second after second, and minute after minute, the time hit 12:59 P.M.

A smile spread on Kai's face as he watched the clock hit 1:00. He no longer had to use the wheelchair. Tingles of excitement spread across his face and down to his feet.

Kai looked to the foot of his bed to see a nice new pair of shoes. The box's title read Pearlescent Squid Kid IV. On top was a note from Niki, his sister, that read:

Dear Kai,
Today you can finally walk again! I wanted to give you some fresh new kicks to comfort your frail feet. They are A Pearl inspired shoe design because I know how much you love Pearl! I have also asked Star to help me put on special soles to comfort your feet until they are completely healed! I hope you like them!

Love your sister,

Kai smiled and grabbed a pair of socks that happened to be right next to his shoes. Sliding the socks over his bandages, he put on the new shoes and swung his feet over the side of the bed.

Placing his feet on the floor, he tested the pressure on his feet. The first time he pressed his foot on the ground he quickly took it back, nervous. He shook his head. After a while of sitting, he stood up.

Kai felt the weight on his feet as he stood. He rocked back and forth feeling his weight. At first, his balance was off and it still hurt to stand, but after he got used to it he finally began to walk.

He started at a slow pace as he slowly walked around the room feeling his way around, steps becoming more bearable each second that passed.

After a while, Kai realized that it was time to meet his friends once again. Kai slowly walked out the door getting used to it, and then after he got the hang of it his walk became a jog. His jog then became a sprint, and his sprint became a run.

A smile cemented onto his face as he felt the weight of his legs carry him to The Square. He felt the wind and everything looked smaller, as his height had changed. Kai felt the wind slowly push his tentacle into his face. (Which felt slightly uncomfortable but he managed to cope with it.)

As he ran he finally made it to The Square where his team and others were waiting for him: Sol, Niki, Star, Clyde, Hazy, Kaia, and Brinn.

Kai smiled and blushed as he saw his crush waiting for him. Despite the fact that he liked her, he didn't think that she would ever like him back.

I mean she's just so cool. She could do practically anything! She's super tall, nice, beautiful, and even more, and I'm....I don't know? Weird? That might be the right word...I think...

Kai scratched the back of his head and waved at her. She smiled and waved back. Then suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder, and when he looked behind him he saw Pearl and Marina standing there. Kai's eyes lit up. His smile stretched out wider.

"What's up, yo! Congrats on using those feet of yours again!" Pearl struck a pose and and went over to give him a pat on the back.

"T-thanks!" Kai's eyes widened and his smile stretched from ear to ear.

"Yo, nice Kicks! They are some of my favorites! Oh also Kaia, how are you feeling?" Pearl asked.

Kaia looked at Pearl and smiled nervously. Her face was hidden behind Brinn and clamped her tentacle around Brinn's. The little octoling peeked out from behind her blue hoodie. "I'm doing good, thank woo Miss Pearl and Miss Marina."

"Oh, no problem! We really hope you're doing better," Marina smiled.

"Yeah! We would hate to see any of you not well! Well anyway, we have ta' go. We have to do the announcements! See you later Kai, Kaia!" Pearl and Marina walked off into the distance, with Kai in utter shock.

"Kai were glad your back to normal! We all missed you!." Niki said a smile on her face.

"Yeah! And you better not get yourself into any more trouble! Kai, I swear trouble always finds you, and Kaia stay safe!" Sol looked over at Kai, giving him a smug look.

"Don't worry I'll make sure nothing happens to Kaia." Brinn smiled, looking over at the little Octoling.

"So what are we going to do now?" Kai asked, looked around.

"Well the whole day is ahead of us so, why not let the adventure begin!" Niki smiles her hands on her hips.

"Yeah! A new adventure awaits us! So let's let it begin!" A smile covered his face.

The new adventure had finally begun!

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