-Something Off-

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   -Time Jump, a few weeks later-

It's been a few weeks since Ruby and Kai started dating. Kai hasn't had that much time to spend with his friends. Brinn, Niki, Kaia, and the others invite him to do fun things, but he can't do them because of Ruby.

Kai also finds himself staying up late to do various tasks for Ruby, even if he gets super tired. He also has this feeling like there is something off with her. He doesn't want to admit it, but he feels like she is toxic. She tends to only take him to the mall on their dates. She makes him carry her things while she has all the fun. She calls him
Pet names, like Princey, that make him feel uncomfortable. It makes Kai kinda upset that they can't do anything fun together, or something that they both want to do.

Sometimes Ruby even stomps on his feet, and even not show up from time to time. This made Kai feel very neglected and hurt.

It was once again a new day. Kai woak up and turned around to look at his alarm clock. He sat up in bed and a shiver went down his spine. It was around 10:00 and he had to meet Ruby at the Mall once again.

Kai sat up in bed, his eyes heavy, and his whole body shaking. He drowsily got up rubbing his eyes and sniffling.

Kai went to his kitchen to get some food but then slipped on the floor finding himself laying there, his eyes stinging as he blinked. After a while, he finally mustered up enough strength to get up.

Kai walked to his bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. His face looked pale and his nose was red. There were purple bags under his eyes, and his posture wasn't straight. He shivers holding his arms because he was only wearing a tank top, and his normal leggings.

Kai went back to his room and grabbed his phone from his nightstand. He pulled up Ruby's contact and then started to text her.
Kai: hay ruby can we cancel
today im not feeling well and i want to go back to bed...

Ruby: don't be so selfish! You better be here!

Kai: but ruby i just don't feel well.....

Ruby: Do you think I care!

Kai: but i...

Ruby: If you are not here! I swear that I will destroy your WHOLE Collection of Rare Pearl merchandise!


Ruby: Now that we have that settled, I'll see you here Princey~~
n3n <3

Kai slams his phone down back on his nightstand. He grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around himself as he got his clothes and got dressed.

Kai wore his regular long-sleeved shirt and a black hoodie over top. Kai put on his shoes, grabbed his phone, then walked out the door.

It took Kai a while to get to the mall to meet Ruby, and once he got there he was greeted with a surprise.

Ruby was shrouded with a few other Octolings. One was a girl who was tall and lean, the opposite of Ruby. She wore a nice dress and makeup smeared on her face. The other was a guy. He was taller then Kai and his tentacles were punched back in a stylish swoop that curbed up at the ends.

"Oh hay Kaile, I would like you to meet my friends!"

Kai stared at them, slightly intimidated by the One that was taller than he was.

"This is my friend, lucy! She is my best friend, and this is Tim he is almost like a bodyguard."

Kai was clearly uncomfortable. "Oh, oh..."

"What's wrong, you don't have a problem do you?"

"N-No! It's just that.....I thought it was going to be the two of us." A nervous laugh escape him, and his arm went to the back of his neck.

"Oh please, I have already spent enough time with you."

"Then can I go?" Kai asked, a hopeful expression was on his face.

"Well of course not! Who is going to carry our bags? You are the best at it, and you are super strong." Ruby walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek.

Kai stunned stood there, very uncomfortable, but he nods his head.

"Okay good! Now where should we go first"

So for the whole day, Ruby and her friends dragged Kai around as there personal bag carrier. They went to each shop talking and having fun while Kai trudged behind them.

Kai was cold and tired and wanted to go home, but he knew he had to do it In order to keep the relationship okay, even if it was a toxic one.

After a while, Kai started to feel really sick and he had to use the bathroom. They were all at the food court so he put the bags down and went to the bathroom.

Kai felt his stomach clawing at him. His whole body trembling. He felt so sick, and it all caught up to him, he threw up.

After he came back he was clutching his stomach from the pain he felt. He walked back to Ruby and her friends. Once he got back he was met with a menacing gaze.

Kai looked to see the three in front of him with their arms crossed. Kai blinked, he was very confused.

"What were you thinking!" Ruby shouted at him. "We NEVER gave you permission to leave!"

"O-oh, I'm sorry it won't happen again." Kai's shoulders covered his neck, his arms pressed tightly against his body as he if was bracing for impact.

"You know what! I don't want you're pitiful 'I'm sorry' you should have known! You're so selfish!" Ruby walked up to him pointing at his chest. "I just can't believe you!"

"Hay Ruby, chill out," Tim said. "He just had to use the bathroom, give him a break." Tim crosses his arms.

Kai looked up at him, a thankful, yet confused look oh his face.

"Listen, if you're going to treat him like this I'm out." Tim grabbed his stuff and then left without warning.

Ruby glared at him, a hateful look on her face. "I just CAN'T believe you! All you care about is your self!" Ruby walked up to him and stomped hard on his feet with her heels.

Kai winced, almost falling over, but still he didn't say a word.

"Why don't you just leave! You have done nothing but make things worse!"

Kai held back his tears. "N-no I can stay! Please give me another chance...."

"Fine! But it won't be today! Just leave okay."

Kai nodded his head and turned around. He started to walk away, but almost forgot his way out of the mall. His vision was out of focus and he was really cold and tired. His feet were throbbing, but he finally managed to get back home...

Toxic Love -(Adventures of Agent 9 Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now