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It was the end of the day, and the sun started to set. It was around dinner time and she was making food for Kaia. She made Mac & cheese for her and a milkshake for her drink.

Brinn put the food out for them and they both ate their food. After a while Kaia got sleepy and Brinn put her to bed.

Brinn was getting ready to go to bed herself but she got a strange text from Kai.
Kai: nikkkkkkiiiiiiii can you get me some medicine I don't feel gooddddd T^T

Brinn: Kai this is Brinn, is everything alright?

Kai: nikkkkkiiii everything hurts

Brinn: Okay Kai, let me just get someone to watch Kaia and I'll be right there.

Brinn called Niki, asking if she could watch Kaia and of course, she said yes. Brinn grabbed some medicine and made her way to Kai's apartment.

Once she got there she saw that the place was a mess. She knocked on Kai's door then walked into Kai's room. She saw that he was bundled up in a lot of blankets.

"Kai, are you okay?" Brinn asked softly.

"I don't feel good!" Kai moaned.

"What's wrong?"

"My feet and stomach hurt and it's really cold!"

"Oh well, is there anything I can do to help?" Brinn asked.

"Can you get me some medicine please?"

"Okay Kai."

Brinn made her way to his kitchen to see if he had any medicine. She saw a small bottle of ibuprofen in his cupboard. Brinn also got some water and then made her way back to Kai's room.

Brinn set the cup of water and two ibuprofen tablets on his nightstand.

Kai turned around and looked at the ibuprofen and the water. His face was pale and his nose was pink along with his face. He grabs the water in the ibuprofen tablets and swallows them. He then laid back down in his bed.

"Is there anything else that you need?" Brinn asked.

"C-Can you stay here? I don't want to be alone...."

Brinn blushed. "Sure, but don't think about it too much!"


So Brinn stayed with him until he fell asleep. Brinn left the room to see if she could find a thermometer. She walked back into his kitchen and saw that there was a junk drawer. She opened it up to see if there was a thermometer inside. After a while of searching, she finally found it.

Brinn went back into Kai's room. He was still sleeping peacefully but all of his blankets were practically kicked off of his bed. Brinn went up and stuck the thermometer into his ear softly, making sure not to wake him up. He didn't have a major fever I was just at 99.8.

Just when Brinn was about to leave she saw the bandages on Kai's feet. The bandages were slightly discolored with a coppery tone to it. Brinn was curious so she decided to take a closer look at his feet to make sure that they were okay. She looked at them to see The coppery color more clearly. It was blood...

Brinn took a step back shocked. She was confused. what happened, how did it happen? She thought.

Kai woke up and looked at Brinn. His eyes were heavy and he was confused.

"What's going on? What are you doing here Brinn?" Kai rubbed his eyes.

"Oh, you texted me so I came over you said you weren't feeling well."

"Oh, I thought I texted Niki." A nervous laugh escapes him.

"No, you texted me by accident. But I came over to make sure that you were okay."


"Don't think much of it though I only came here to make sure you were okay."


"So, are you feeling better?" Brinn asked.

Kai sat up, "Yeah, I guess so. But my feet still kinda hurt."

Brinn looked at Kai kinda worried. "Is that why there are bandages on your feet?"

"O-oh, um well." Kai's eyes darted away from Brinn, his hand darting to his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Brinn looked worriedly at her.

"Y-yeah, just a small injury." Kai laughed trying to sound convincing.

"Oh, okay, are you sure?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm s-sure." Kai looked away from Brinn his expression made him look helpless. "Well I'm sorry I dragged you all the way here. You can go back home if you want."

"Oh okay. I hope you feel better. Bye Kai..." Brinn left the room and locked the door to Kai's apartment as she left.

Brinn made her way and walk the rest of the way home. She was still kind of worried about what happened to Kai's feet but she was sure that it was probably nothing major. It was around 10 o'clock at night when she was on her way home. She walked through the streets and realize that it was her night patrol.

She worked A few times a week for patrolling the main area of the square. That was just her job. So when she got home she got on her agent gear and made her way back outside.

By the time it was 5 o'clock in the morning, she finally got to go home and go to bed. It was a weird night but she slept peacefully.

Toxic Love -(Adventures of Agent 9 Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now