-More like Family- (End of book 2)

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The bright light shown on the faces of his friends. It made them have a natural glow. A smile crept onto his face as energy surging through him.

Before running to them he stopped to look up at the trees. Everything looks so much more clear now. Tears are no longer fogging his eyes, and he could smell everything without his nose running.

He felt a jolt of energy rush through him as he sprinted towards them, yelling and hollering towards them waving his arms in the air to say hello.

"Kai what are you doing here? Sol said that you weren't gonna be able to make it!" Niki looked over at him a smile growing on her face.

Kai bent down and leaned on his knees trying to catch his breath, "Yeah well I changed my mind. There's no you sitting in my room all doing nothing. That won't change anything anyway."

"Well, I'm glad you could make it! Uh, it's not like I cared if you were here but I'm glad you're doing better. Don't think much of it."

"Mr. Kai! Mr. Kai! Is that really woo?" A small Octoling ran up to him tugging on his new jacket, the biggest smile on her face.

"Well, I guess it is! How are you doing Kaia?"

"I'm doing good thank woo!!"

Kai looked over at Brinn, "So I see she's not as shy as she used to be."

"Yeah, she's gotten better. She's still adjusting though," Brinn smiled.

"Hay" Niki interrupted, "why don't you two go and take Kaia to go on the swings!"

"Okay! If that's alright with Brinn would we be happy to take her!!"

Brinn looked over at Kai, "it's fine with me."

"Well then go on you three!!" Niki pushes the three of them towards the swings. "Hey, why don't you hold hands so you don't get lost."

"What?" Kai asked not hearing what Niki just said.

"Oh, nothing just enjoy your time together!"

Brinn, Kai, and Kaia went over to the swings. They walked at a steady pace next to each other, Kaia skipping just in front of them.

Once they got there, Kaia tried to reach to get onto the swing, but couldn't quite reach, "Can one of woo help me?" She asked.

"Sure!" Kai rushed over to her and helped her onto the swing.

"Thank woo, Mister Kai!!" Kaia had a wide smile on her face.

So for a while, Brinn and Kai took turns pushing Kaia on the swings. They both took turns pretending to run after her, and they also pretended like they were flying.

After awhile Kaia started to get a little tired so she got off the swing.

Brinn And Kai both walked back along with Kaia To a nearby bench. All three of them sat there on the bench with Kaia in the middle.

"So I'm guessing your feeling better." Brinn smiled her head slightly tilted to the side.

" Yeah, I do feel a lot better," Kai moved his arm to the back of his neck and started to massage it. " I had to realize that it's not the end of the world."

"Yeah, you're right I also miss hanging out with you. Don't think much of it" Brinn turned her head to the side crossing her arms in front of her chest. A slight red forming on her face.

"You did? Well, I'm glad to hear that you like hanging out with me," Kai smiled a small brush forming on his face."

" I told you not to think much of it. I just like spending time with you... As friends of course..."

"Y-Yeah! Just as friends nothing else"

There was a long pause of silence as the world slowly became dark. The sun started to sit on the horizon as it has already been a few hours since I've been there.

"Hey, you three!" Niki yelled and signal for them to come over, " let's take a photo! Sol offered to take it for us!"

"Oh, Okay!! We'll be right over!"

Brinn, Kai, and Kaia all walked over to the place in front of the park. Niki then ran over to meet them there. Sol had his phone in his hand ready to take the picture of all four of them.

"Say the bestest friends ever!!!" So I got ready to take the picture before he good he got interrupted.

"No, how about, The bestest family ever..."

Sol snapped the picture with all four of them in it. Another chapter of the story had ended and it was time for a new one to begin.

The sun now fully left the sky the moon coming out to play. Sol had to leave early so I was just the four of them left to walk home.

All of them walked home together as a family, even if it wasn't by blood. They realize that they all loved each other and that they would never let each other go.

Toxic Love -(Adventures of Agent 9 Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now