-Shocking Experience-

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Kai and Ruby started to make there way home. Ruby clung to his arm as they walked. They didn't speak but Kai felt a bit uncomfortable.

It was almost night and the sun was setting on the horizon. Kai looked at it and it's beauty. His mind drifted anyway into his thoughts as they walked through Inkopolis.

As they were walking Kai noticed that Niki and Brinn were walking not far behind them. It looked like hey had just finished their meal. They were on their way home as well as they were. Kai joules his head back looking at them, a smile comes over his face.

Kai knew that he had to talk to them. It felt like he hadn't talked to them in months! So Kai released Ruby's grip on him and then he goes over to Brinn and Niki. Ruby looks at him with an angry expression on her face, so she follows behind him.

"Hey! Brinn, Niki!" Kai rushes over to them, his smile bright. He waves as he runs over almost tripping but manages to get his balance.

"Oh hey Kai what's up, I didn't know that you were coming! I honestly thought that this place would be too fancy for you," Niki chuckled and placed her hand on her hip, a smug look on her face.

Ruby walked up behind Kai and put her hand on his right shoulder. "He took me," The look on her face was unsettling.

Kai was startled by this so he jumped back a bit but managed to keep steady.

"Oh, Well then,"

"So Kai, did you have a fun time with Ruby?" Brinn's voice sounded slightly melancholy and slightly unsteady. She bit her lip.

"Oh, Y-yeah! I-I had a g-great time!" Kai stuttered as he rubs the back of his neck with his hand.

"Oh...Well, I'm glad you had a fun time." Brinn gave him a half-smile, trying to seem happy.


"So! How was your food! Ours tasted great!" Niki said with a smile completely changing the subject.

"It was okay I guess. It could have been better. It wasn't that fancy, to be honest." Ruby frowned and slightly popped her hip out, annoyed.

"I thought it was pretty good!" Kai said with a smile.

Ruby stared at him giving him a hateful look. "Oh well, I guess it wasn't that good...." Kai frowns.

Niki looks at Ruby, glaring at her.

Ruby picks up on the hate in Niki's eyes and then once again pulls Kai close to her. Kai starts to get nervous as Ruby squeezes his arm.

Kai starts to look nervous. His eyes begging for help but he manages to let out a fake smile.

Brinn looks at him but then looks away. She holds her arm and lets out another smile. "I'm really happy for you two..."

"Aww thank you. I know we make a cute couple! Right Princey?"

Kai tenses up. "Y-Yeah.....I-I think we do t-too..." Kai looks away from Ruby trying not to tremble.

"Well, it was nice talking to you but we must get going." Ruby looks them both in the eye.

"Oh, Yeah. I guess we have to go..."

"Well, it was nice talking to you. Bye Kai..." Brinn waved goodbye.

"Bye Brinn, Bye Niki" Kai waves at them as Ruby pulls him to go.

As Ruby pulls him, Kai accidentally drops something on the floor not realizing it. Ruby pulls him far ahead of them and once again they did not speak.

Brinn notices that he dropped something and goes to pick it up. It was a small folded up picture. Brinn looked at it for a second before running off to Kai to give it back to him.

"Kai! Wait you dropped something!" As Brinn started to Run towards them, Ruby looked back at her disgusted.

Ruby released her grip from Kai's arm and turned towards him. Kai looked at her confused, he didn't understand why she stopped.

Brinn stopped as she looked at Ruby and Kai, confused as to why they stopped. Maybe they stopped so that Brinn could return the folded picture.

A smirk crossed Ruby's face as she looked up at Kai. Ruby grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down so their eyes met.

Ruby started into his steel gray eyes for a moment. Her smile growing bigger. There was a short pause, but then Ruby grabbed his neck and pressed her lips onto his.

Brinn looked back at them. She stood there for a moment before walking away with the picture still in her hand. She walked back to Niki and they both went home.

Ruby released Kai still holding him at eye level. He has a shocked expression oh his face. His eyebrows slightly angled down and his vision was slightly blurred. He felt kinda sick.

Without saying another word, Ruby once again grabbed his arm and they walked all the way till they had to split ways.

Once Kai was by himself he realized that he was shaking slightly. He wasn't ready for his first kiss, and she didn't ask him first.

Kai walks home in silence looking down at his hands and fiddling with a rock he found on the ground.

Before he knew it he was already back at his apartment. Kai laid down on his bed and looked up at the ceiling. He took deep breaths.

After a while, it was around 10:00 and he realized that he needed to go to bed. Kai slowly felt his eyes get heavy, and he slowly drifted to sleep.

Toxic Love -(Adventures of Agent 9 Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now