-Gossip and Jawbreakers-

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Brinn walked out from the stage and met the rest of her team in the Turf Lobby. As she stepped over, she noticed how the mood had shifted from before and after their battle.

"You all did amazing out there. I should be lucky to have each and every one of you talented cephalopods on my team." She said, bowing her head.

Clyde nodded and signed, "Thank you, Brinn."

Hazy leaned on their charger, propping themselves up. "Awww, BB! You're getting so sweet now! Do you love us or something?"

The smallest of the four, Kaia, walked over to Brinn and tugged on her leggings. "What wove?"

"I-I-" Brinn spotted the other team heading out into the lobby,  "I'll tell you later, okay?" She ran off in the other direction to congratulate Team Sugar Sea on their victory.

A bit of silence stood between the three.

"What that?"

"I have no idea!"

Brinn slowed down her pace and walked towards her main target, slightly rehearsing over what she was going to say in her mind.

She tapped on his shoulder, "Hey Kai, good game! You were....really great out there."

Was that too much? Or was that too little?? Did I change my tone to the exact way the author was supposed to convey it in the story? WAIT- WHAT!? HOLY CARP WHAT THE FU-

Kai's face went from white to red as he turned around, "U-Uh thank you!"

"Well, um..." Brinn forced a smile on to her face, "We'll win next time, so don't get used to it!"

"We'll see about that!" Kai's smile shone brighter than the sun.

Carp. I'm falling for him MORE!

"S-Shut up!"

As they talked, Brinn noticed that both Clyde and Hazy were talking to each other, and so were Niki and Sol. Every few seconds, one of the four would point in their direction and chuckle slightly to themselves.

That's funny....We're not doing anything strange, are we?

"Brinn...You look really nice."

"What'd you say?"

"I SAID MY FEET FEEL LIKE ICE! Goodness! It is cold out here! Haha!" If Kai's face could become more vibrant, it would've.

"But...Kai," Brinn mumbled, "It's still summer."

Kai froze, "Well...IhavearareconditionthatmakesmereallyreallycoldallthetimeeveninthesummerandaroundpeopleIlikealot- What?"

Brinn blinked.

As he kept talking, Brinn scrutinized his tentacle. If she looked close enough, she could see her tentacles' exact shade of green creeping through the tips of his own. She unknowingly stretched out her hand to see it up closer.

"Excuse me, Brinn...but what are you doing?"

"GAH!" Brinn pulled away immediately. "You had some left over ink from our match on your tentacle! I just wanted to get it off!"

Kai's tentacle curled inwards, "Oh, I guess I did! Thank you!" His cheeks turned pink as he wiped some ink off.

"That was close..."


"I said you look gross! Can't you listen?"

"Oh...Well I bet I look a bit better now that some ink is off of me! Thank you again!"

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