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Kai lay in his bed with his body fully sprawled out with his arms and legs pulling him on either side of his body.

He looked up at his ceiling, a deadpan expression on his face. He didn't move and it almost looked like he was dead. His mouth was gasped open and his eyes were blurred. He didn't intend to do anything that day.

A few moments later he heard the sound of his phone. Someone had texted him, he wondered who it was.

Kai turned around so that his head was towards his nightstand. He reached out and grasped his phone and look to see who texted him. When he looked he saw that it was his sister, Niki.

Kai opened his phone and read the text. He then decided to respond...

Niki: Hay, I head what happened... you ok?

Kai: yeah i guess...

Niki: are you sure?

Kai: y-yeah!

Niki: Why do I get the feeling that you're lying. You tend to stutter when you lie.

Kai: n-no...

Niki: and that proves it! What's up? You could talk to me I'm your sister.

Kai: well... it was my first ever relationship...

Niki: she was toxic and you know it. You should feel relieved you don't have to deal with her anymore.

Kai: yeah i know... But maybe i was the problem...

Niki: What?! Excuse me but that's not true at all you know that she was a bitch!

Kai: :0

Niki: Kai! You were definitely not the problem!

Kai: but maybe i was... i mean im not really that cool if you know what I mean...

Niki: so what! If she didn't love you for who you are she doesn't deserve you!

Kai: ...

Niki: listen Kai... You are amazing! I'm sorry that she made you feel like you're not...

Kai: she was my only shot... no one else will ever like me...

Niki: boy! There are plenty of fish in the sea!

Kai: but she said...

Niki: do you really think I care about what she said! Plus what about Brinn! Don't you like her?

Kai: maybe...

Niki: well then there you go!

Kai: But Brinn would never like me... im just a loser...

Niki: oh shut up Kai! You are not a loser! You are strong, funny, and you got a lot going for ya!

Kai: no i dont...

Niki: Kai I know you're in a mood right now so I'm not gonna fight with you. But just don't believe what she says ok? I love you Little bro don't forget that and you'll always be enough for me if that's anything.

Kai: thank you niki...

Niki: no problem :)

Kai laid back down his bed. His arm stretched the whole length of the bed his phone in his left hand. He took a nice deep breath and let out a sigh. He closed his eyes and felt warmth flow down his cheeks.

Kai was about to drift back to sleep once more when I felt a buzz tingle from the tips of his fingers down his arm. Kai picked up his phone and held it above his face to see that he got another text from somebody else. It was Sol!

Toxic Love -(Adventures of Agent 9 Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now