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Brinn looked at Ruby stunned. Her face has an angry expression on it. Ruby was wearing a nice spring dress, with a pair of 3 inch high heels.

"Oh, hey Ruby. What are you doing here?" Kai asked kinda confused.

"What are you doing here Ruby?" Her face was filled with anger, and a tinge of confusion.

Ruby stood next to Kai rehabbing his arm and pulling him close to her. Kai was again uncomfortable.

"U-Uh what are you..."

Ruby pulled Kai down to her level by the ends of his shirt and kissed him on the cheek.

Kai was shocked, he didn't blush, but he didn't move either. Kai stood there, frozen from shock.

Brinn's face went pale as she watched the scene play out before her. Then she froze, her anxiety starting to bubble up again.

"Kaile, I like you! Will you go out with me!" Ruby shouted a smirk on her face.

Kai was almost completely frozen from shock, but he kinda snapped out of it. He looked at Ruby, then Brinn, and he knew he had to make a decision.

Kai had liked Brinn for almost a month now. He always had, but how would she ever like him. Then there was Ruby a childhood friend who he knows will like him.

Kai got out of that trance and looks at both of them again. His eyebrows were curled up words as he looked at Ruby and nods.

"Yay! Looks like I have myself a boyfriend! Come on Kaile! Let's go shopping!"

"Oh, ok...."

As they walked off Ruby turned back and mouthed the words I guess you should have been quicker!

Brinn walked off and sat in a chair by herself. She sat there twirling a small leaf in her hand that was on the table. She didn't cry, she was more angry and confused. Deep down inside of her, she was also sad.

When Brinn wasn't paying attention she hears a chair being racked on the ground and swung towards the table. Brinn looked up to see Niki sitting on the chair backward with a slightly ticked expression on her face.

"What is the meaning of this! Why is my brother Kai holding hands with Ruby!"

"She likes him, and she asked him out. It's not like it really matters"

"Oh don't try and fool me into thinking that you don't like him! I know you do!"

"W-what?! No, you have the wrong idea!"

"You can tell the wicked witch of the waste, but you can't tell me?! I've known you for so much longer! Now come on, spit it out!" Niki now has her elbows on the table, waiting for Brinn to respond.


"Nope! No buts! Just tea! So spill it! I can get it out of you one way or another!" Niki gestures to her fingers as if she would tickle her.

"Fine! I guess..... I guess I like him okay! There, I said it!"

"Yeah, I know that."


"Well duh, I could tell! It was kinda obvious." Niki smirked.

Brinn didn't speak up, she just bit her lip.

"So, what did that witch tell you to do?"

"Well.... she told me to change how I look, do a romantic gesture, and then tell him I liked him."

"Oh please! Don't listen to a thing she says! They're all manipulations, and lies!"

"Then what do you think I should've done?" She asked, her voice a bit soft.

"Well first off, your perfect the way you are so don't change! Second, be yourself! If he doesn't like you for who you are, then he is not the one for you!"

"Well, I'm sorry Niki...." Brinn looked down at the table.

"Oh no, don't give me any of that I'm sorry carp! There is nothing to apologize for! Now, do you want to go and get some ice cream?"

"Sure, as long as I get to pay!"

"Haha you're funny. You already know I'm going to pay!"

"No, I insist you let me pay!" Brinn has a smug look on her face.

"Nope, sorry but I can't do that."

"Oh really?" 

Brinn and Niki stared at each other, squinting their eyes. Then Brinn ran off.

"Hey! No fair, you got a head start!"

" Ha! I bet you won't catch up!"

"Well, you bet wrong!"

Brinn and Niki ran all the way to the ice cream shop with Brinn just ahead of Niki. Once that got there the sat at a table and started laughing.

After they calmed themselves down from there laughter, Niki looked at Brinn. "Hey listen, next time you need to talk to someone, talk to me. You can trust me ok?"

"Yeah, ok..... but I'm still paying."

"Ok fine, whatever makes you happy! But this battle isn't over yet!"

After a while, Brinn bought the ice cream, and then they talked for the rest of the day. After they finished their ice cream Niki walked with Brinn to go and pick up Pearl and Marina.

"Hey Niki."

Niki looked over at Brinn, Just as she was about to knock on the door to Pearl and Marina's studio. "Yeah what is it?"

"Thank you, Niki."

"No problem! Any time!"

Niki knocked on the door and Brinn picked up Kaia. They all walked home together, but they were missing one person... Kai.....

Even though Brinn was disappointing, she was happy to know that she now has a best friend.........

Toxic Love -(Adventures of Agent 9 Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now