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"R-Ruby? Is that really you?" Kai stood up from his chair looking at her and seeing the same girl he knew! Her dark pink tentacles, her semi pale skin with potential for tan, and her same sharp blue eyes, but there was something different about her that Kai couldn't see.

"Oh, I'm glad you finally remembered me, Kaile!" She threw her arms around Kai's neck, nearly chocking him. Kai, griped the arm that was held tightly around his neck, his eyes starting to water.

"U-Uh Ruby, it's good to see you... um, how did you get here?" He asked her his voice shaky.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about the details Kaile! All that matters is that I'm here now!" She smirked. "Wow, I remember you being much shorter than last time we saw each other" She released Kai from the hug and looked at them both in awe.

"Well Yeah, I grew." Kai looked over to her, his hand placed in his neck to make sure it was okay.

"Well of course I did! I'm not stupid!"


Kai looked back at the rest of the group for a second. Sol's lips were curled into a frown with his eyes fierce, Niki sharing the same look. Brinn looked at him with a confused and kinda angry tone.

"S-so, why are you here?" Kai stood up from his chair and looked down at her, she was shorter then he was maybe around Niki's height or shorter.

"Well, I'm here to see you and Nikiole again! I wanted to get to know you!" She smirked and grabbed Kai's arm. Her nails almost cutting into his skin.

"Oh, well then why don't we catch up!" Kai smiled but there was still worry in his eyes.

"Oh, why yes! That would be great! Can I talk to you alone Kaile?"

"Uh.......Um......," Kai looked back at the group again, hoping that they would help him, but they were silent. "Well, uh.....okay?"

"Okay! Yay! Come over here," Ruby grabbed his hand and locked fingers with him, she pulled him over to the side.

Once they got to the other side of the plaza they stood there for a second. Ruby looked into Kai's eyes and ignored the fact that Kai looked uncomfortable.

"Well, aren't you going to get my seat? I'm a lady!" She glared at Kai and crossed her arms.

"Oh, um, ok?" Kai walked over to the chair and pulled it out so she could sit down, but she never said thank you. "S-so why did you want to talk to me?" Kai asked her, his voice shaky.

"As I said earlier, I want to get to know you more. So tell me about yourself Kaile," Ruby bent over placing her head in her hand.

Ruby wore a v-necked crop too, and a short skirt. Her chest was almost too big for her to be wearing what she was.

Kai averted his eyes, "W-well, I no longer go by Kaile. I go by Kai now! So you don't have to call me Kaile," a nervous laugh escapes him.

"But I like Kaile! Why would you even want to be called Kai! It's so......Casual! Kaile has more class!"

"But I like the name K-"

"No, no! I'm going to keep on calling you Kaile! It sounds much better!"

"O-oh, okay....."Kai, still looking to the side, slouched in his chair.

"So tell me more about yourself!" Ruby asked him once more.

"Oh, well um ok! M-My favorite color is Pink!" Kai smiles with his eyes closed.

Ruby sat up, "Oh, well that's um....."

"Is there something wrong?" Kai tilted his head to the side confused.

"It's just that, oh never mind..."

"Oh, Um okay? Well, Um, how is everything in Octo valley? I mean what happened after Niki and I left?" Kai looked at her his eyes pleading for an answer.

"Oh, Well everything is fine, nothing has really changed at least for everyone else. Sadly Aspen and Atlas were......well Killed for letting you and Niki go but that's no big deal, as for Octavian and I, well........nothing much has really changed...."

"So you're telling me that Aspen and Atlas are.......gone?" Tears flood his eyes but they don't roll down his face.

"It's no big deal really, but I guess it's kinda sad."

"They were our friends.....In some ways we were all family. They were like big brothers to me....."

"Well, there is nothing we can do now anyway, all that matters is that we're together, right?" Her lips curled into a smile her eyebrows almost straight but slightly curled down.

"U-Uh yeah?" Kai started to sweat, and his heart started to race as his uncomfortable feeling grew.

"Well, it was nice talking to you, Kaile! It was nice to get to know you more, hopefully, I'll see you around." Ruby got up from her chair and started to walk off. She looked back at Kai and smirked as she disappeared into the distance.

Kai felt uncomfortable, but he was okay. He stood up and made his way back to the main group a bit hesitant.

"So what did you guys talk about?" Brinn asked him, her voice more tender than usual.

"Um, well....," Kai looked at Niki, "Aspen and Atlas are.....Dead....."

"WHAT?!" Niki stood up slamming her hands on the table, everyone stared but she didn't care. Tears flooded her eyes.

Kai didn't respond, instead, he changed the subject, "She didn't talk to me that much, she just wanted to get to know me I guess." Kai smiled a little. "Listen, guys, I think I'm going to head home."

"Oh, okay." Brinn looked at him with a soft tone, which was unlike her.

So Kai waved goodbye and started to make his way home. He was a little confused, but he eventually forgot about it.

As she was walking home Brinn saw Ruby walking around the Plaza. Brinn ran up to her and tapped her on the shoulder.


"Um hello, I'm Brinn and I have a question.....can we talk?"

"Oh yeah? What about?"

"Uh, you seemed to be close with Kai so.......can you Uh........How would you get him to....like you?" The words we're almost hard for her to say, she never really admitted it.

Brinn blushed and crossed her arms looking away, biting her lip.

"Oh, so you like Kaile? Well then... I can help up. Just follow me........"

Toxic Love -(Adventures of Agent 9 Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now