-"I know what to do..."-

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Kai was still cleaning up as Kaia peaceful slept in the pillow fort that she made. Kai's head filled with thoughts as he scrubbed his kitchen clean.

Around 30 minutes pass and Kai hears a knock on his apartment door. Kai looked in the direction of the door, and he walked quickly towards it. He opens the door then see Brinn standing there.

"Hello Kai!" Brinn looked at him, a tender tired expression on her face.

Kai waved at her, his hand holding the door frame and his face washed with pink, "Hay Brinn! So your here to pick up Kaia?"

"Yes I am, how was she?" Brinn asked.

"She was great! We made a pillow fort, and even drew some pictures!" Kai's eyes lit up with excitement.

"Really? That's sounds fun."

"So how was your night?" Kai asked Brinn.

"It was acutely kinda fun. Niki was a bit crazy though, it was her first time driving a car, and she was a bit reckless but the movie was great!"

"I'm glad to here that you had a fun time!"

A slight blush came over Brinn's face "Well Um, thank you I guess" There was an awkward pause. "So where's Kaia?" Brinn looked around Kaia's apartment to see if she could see her.

"Oh! She's right over here!" Kai went over to the blanket fort and took off the blanket that was on top of the two chairs. Kaia lay there peacefully sleeping on the ground.

Kai moved one on the chairs out of the way and carefully picked up Kaia. Kai walked over to Brinn and placed Kaia in her arms.

"Oh, well it looks like she tucked herself out. Well we should probably get going so that I can get her to bed" Brinn has a soft smile that grew in her face.

Kai blushed, and his arm flung to the back of his neck. "S-So I hope that you two have a good night!" Kai looked at both of them, and a big smile couldn't help but stretch into his face.

"Uh, thank you. You too," A slight blush washed over Brinn's face, but it wasn't too noticeable.

Brinn walked off with Kaia in her arms and then went home. Kai decided that he probably should clean up the rest of his house as it was still a mess. He wasn't going to get all of it down that night, but he would at least do his living room area.

Kai walked over to the sagging blanket fort and started to deconstruct it. He took the blankets and put them back in his room, along with the pillows. He moved the chairs back of his dining table. Then straightened everything up.

Kai decided that he was going to clean a little bit more, but as he did he started to once again get trapped in his thoughts.

Kaia's right, maybe this relationship isn't good for me... she has done nothing but harm me and use me... Kai walked into his closet to grabbed a broom.

Maybe it's time to let things go... I'm still a bit unsure because this is my first relationship... Kai walked over to the kitchen and started to sweep the floor.

I mean, she only wants me for... Street Cred, to tell everyone that she has a boyfriend... and am I really good enough? Kai froze, his muscles tensing, I mean I'm not the fastest, the strongest, I'm not good at protecting others...I get scared, I'm a quitter, I'm not romantic, I'm not good at telling when others are sad or hurting, I'm not fancy, and I'm just not good enough for her...

Kai started to walk back to his closet and then put his broom back, then reached over for the dust pan. Was I ever good enough? Kai's insecurities started course through him. Was I the problem all along? Kai bent over scooping up the dust and grime off the floor, realizing that he needs his broom back.

Kai walked back over to his closet to once again grab his broom. Kai's thoughts were silent as he sweeper up the remanded of the trash that was on the floor.

Kai walked over to to his couch and collapsed on it, his face sunken into the couch. a flurry of sigh's escape him, and he forced back his tears. Kai rolled over so that his face was facing towards the ceiling.

Kai laid there for a moment, his breathing steady, but his eyes almost shut from exhaustion. Maybe this is the only shot I've got...maybe I should...

Kai sat upwards as he heard a buzz from his pone. Kai darted his head towards the floor where his phone lay. Kai picked it up to see a message form, Brinn, It said:

Kai thank you so much for watching Kaia today. I know it was kinda short notice but thank you. It looked like Kaia had a really fun time. I didn't get to officially say thank you to you, so thank you. Maybe you me Kaia and Niki could one day meet up. As friends of course... we'll anyway I hope that you have an amazing rest of your night and that you sleep well.

Kai read the message over again and again. A smile spreading on his face. Kai places his phone back down on the floor and then his smile subsided and his frown crawled back on his face.

Tears started to roll back down his face, "I-I know what to do..."

Kai got up from the couch and grabbed his phone once again. He dragged his feet across the floor and he crawled into bed with his causal clothes still on his body, and not willing to get changed.

As Kai laid in bed he felt the tears role down his cheeks, and he was forced to wipe them away.

"I know what I need to do," he repeated and he slowly sunk into sleep.

Toxic Love -(Adventures of Agent 9 Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now