-A Talk With Brinn and Kai-

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The clasp of dawn scratched at Brinn's window when she woke up. The morning was here. The birds chirped and sang as the dewdrops fell from her window a few stories down.

Brinn sat up in her bed and stretched as she woke up looking to her nightstand.

Her nightstand was mostly bare besides a few things:
Her phone, a small lamp, and the photo that Kai dropped out of his pocket.

Brinn still hasn't opened the scrunched up picture, but she did kinda want to, and she did really want to see it. She assumed it was a picture of him and Ruby going on a date. But still, she didn't want to go through his privacy.

Brinn stared at the folded photo and let out a sigh. She turned away from her nightstand and laid back down on her bed. She was curious to see what it was but she didn't know if she could handle it.

Brinn looked up at the ceiling. She looked at the texture and how it moved. She stared at it for a while until She slipped back to sleep unknowingly.

It was around 8 o'clock when she woke back up again. She was slightly confused that she drifted off to sleep again, but she just assumed she was tired from a long evening the night before.

Brinn turns to her side to look at her phone. It looks like it had a few notifications on it, it looked like someone texted her.
Niki: Wake up! Brinn, we need to talk about last night!


Niki: Brinn we need to talk to Kai!

Brinn: Why....he's happy.....

Niki: Well I don't care! That is my brother and I think he needs to get out of that relationship with Ruby! You're going to help me!

Brinn: But I don't want to ruin his relationship...

Niki: Brinn you're miserable! Why don't you just tell him how you feel!

Brinn: He is already in a relationship, and plus he would probably only like pretty girls...

Niki: Shut your mouth! You are beautiful!!


Niki: Listen here, I don't care if you don't want to help me break them up you're miserable! You're helping me whether you like it or not!

Brinn: Why are you like this?

Niki: Because I am! Now I'm coming over to your place and we're going to discuss a plan!

Brinn placed her phone back down on her nightstand. She looked around got out of bed, then got ready.

Brinn walked to her kitchen and started to make some breakfast. She decided she was going to make some eggs for Niki and Kaia to enjoy.

Brinn started to cook breakfast when Kaia came out of her room. Kaia rubbed her eyes and she held a soft blanket in her arms and she waddled over to Brinn.

"Oh, Good morning Kaia." Brinn smiled looking over to Kaia.

"Morning Miss. Brinn, what we having for breakfast?" Kaia looked up at Brinn and tilted her head.

"We're having scrambled eggs!"

"Weally? Can I please have choco milk on side?"

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