-First date-

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It was a new morning in Inkopolis. Kai was asleep on his bed after hanging out with Ruby the day before. He doesn't really know how to feel. He had a fun time, but she seemed to be a bit obsessive over him. Or maybe it was because he still liked Brinn...

The only reason he was doing this was that he wanted to get over her. He would want her to like him back but he thought that it would be impossible. Why would someone so pretty, and talented ever like a weirdo like him.

Kai woke up to his thoughts flooding his head. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. He looked over at his clock to see that it was almost noon.

Kai has to meet Ruby at a nice diner around the block at around 12:00. He was already running late.

Kai got up and then got dressed. He wore his usual get up, but instead of his usual white long sleeved shirt, he wore a nice collared button up. He was tired but a little exhaustion never hurt anyone. He got his wallet and put on his shoes and then headed out the door.

Kai was already 5 minutes late and he was sprinting as fast as he could without his feet hurting. It took him a bit but he finally got there.

He saw Ruby with an annoyed look on her face, and then Kai froze, suddenly afraid of what was to come.

Kai walked slowly towards her, his shoulders curled up to his neck. He fiddled with his fingers, and he looked down the the floor. As he got closer, he could feel his body start to tremble.

"Oh hay Ruby, sorry I'm late." Kai scratched the back of his head, a nervous habit.

"Where were you! I've been waiting here for 10 minutes!" Ruby placed her hand on her hip, and tapped her foot on the ground.

"Oh, sorry I was a," Kai froze trying to come up with a good excuse. "I-I was a s-stretching! Yeah! I had to make sure my feet were okay!"

"Don't give me any of that shit! Don't lie to me! It's not very gentlemanly to leave your girl waiting! So are you going to take me inside or not!" Ruby crossed her arms and glared at him.

Kai, paused for a second, taken back by what she said. He had never really heard someone curse "Oh, I'm sorry. Let's go inside." Kai's happy expression had now changed to a worry look that was pasted into his face. Was it that bad that I was late? He thought.

Kai and Ruby walked into the expense diner Ruby hugging his arm as they walked in. The receptionist asks them if they were together, of course, they said yes and then she showed them to a table.

Ruby was wearing a beautiful pink and black dress. It draped down just above her knees with some extended length in the back. She wore black stiletto heels that came to a sharp point at the end.

Kai and Ruby sat down. They didn't talk much. They both just looked at their menus and waited to order.

One waitress walked up to them and asked them what they wanted to drink. Kai asked for water and Ruby asked for water with lemon, and lime on the side.

The waitress went to go and get them their drinks, but they still didn't talk. Kai started to feel uncomfortable so he decided to try and start up a conversation.

"So, what brings you to inkopolis?" Kai asked her, honestly curious.

"Why to see you of course," she didn't make eye contact with him. She just sat there looking at her hands.

"Well yeah, but why else?" Kai tilted he head, intrigued to what she would say.

"I wanted to see what it was like at the surface. for other reasons as well, but Let's not get into those." Ruby smirked, her eyes going narrowed.

"What do you mean?"

Ruby looked up and started directly into his eyes,"Let's just say one of my friends wanted me to come here"

A shiver ran down his spine,"Oh okay, well how do you like it so far?" He asked his breath shakie

"Well, it's not too bad. It could be worse."

"Oh, well okay?"

After there conversation, they ordered their food and waited for it to come. Eventually, they got their food and they ate in silence.

It was very awkward, mostly just for Kai. He felt very uncomfortable so he decided to start to fiddle with his napkin.

After a while, they were just sitting there with just silence between them.

"Okay, I'm bored and I want to go home. Your paying and I guess I'll see you tomorrow for our second date. Bye,"

As she sat up from her chair and started to leave Kai stopped her. "Wait, did I do anything wrong? I'm sorry If I did!"

"Acutely you did. You ruined our first date! You were late! Next time don't be so selfish!" Then just like that, she left, leaving Kai with her words.

Kai looked at the place that she left and waited to pay for the food. he sat there waiting and looking down at his plate of finished food and then paid for it. It took up almost all of his money, but he had no choice so he decided to forget about it and continue with his evening.

Kai walked home by himself. He didn't think that it would be this way. He had always imagined it to be walking home and holding hands with her. It would be just the two of them. If only it could be with Brinn. He just can't get her out of his mind. Sadness washed over him as he entered his apartment.

Kai walked to his room and then laid down on his bed. It was around 3 o'clock He was already so exhausted. He had a rough day. He felt like he had done something wrong to hurt Ruby. Although he didn't really love her he still wanted to make her happy.

Kai rolled on his side and his eyes slowly shuttered as he fell asleep. Little did he know that there are more days like this to come.

Toxic Love -(Adventures of Agent 9 Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now