-All Decitions Final-

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Kai walked down the dark path, his feet heavy with every step. The air was thicker and it was hard to breathe, a layer of a fog made it hard to see. It was almost completely silent besides a slight hum. The air almost smelt fake, along with the plastic around it, and even though everything about this terrified him, he kept on walking.

A puff of air sprung into his face as he went deeper into this land. He swiftly covered his eyes protecting them, but they still teared up.

Kai felt an arm wrap around his lower back, and the other run up and down his spine. He shivered but there was no turning back now...

Kai continued to walk, almost mindlessly into the dark, wheezing from the cold thick air. The tunnel felt like it would go on forever but a bright light shows itself at the end of the tunnel.

The girl that was holding onto him looked up at him, she was too short to be 16. A crooked smile covered her face as she grabbed onto his arm. The girl gazed into his eyes, and Kai couldn't help but get a creepy feeling.

They both continued to walk into the dark, hoping that they would get to the end of the tunnel, and they were almost there. Kai started to shake as he felt his whole body get heavier with every step, his chest feeling heavy as the air became even thicker. His vision blurred in and out as he was getting less, and less oxygen. After a while of walking, he took a single step and everything froze.

His vision came back to him as the familiar sights returned to him. The plastic trees with a random I.V. Bag attached to them. The plastic grass, and the fake sun. He froze. Looking around him, but then paused looking back at the tunnel behind him, a light from the other side vanishing and everything went black.

Kai fixes his eyes on the closed tunnel behind him. Real tears starting to roll down his face. "I didn't get to say goodbye to them..."

The girl released her grip from his arm, then walked around to face him. She carefully placed her hands on his chest, which made him once again feel uncomfortable.

Kai looked away from the girl that was starting up at him. A monotone expression on his face. The plastic wind blew his tentacle, making it hit his face again and again.

Thai girl slid her hands down his body placing them on his waist, "Well you don't have to worry about them now, your here with me. Now come on let's keep moving," she released her hands from his waist, grabbed his arm and pulled him, running along the slippery grass.

Kai ran behind her, still glancing back at the dark path behind him. Did I really make the right choice?

The girls grip on his arm was strong, and Kai was too weak to refuse her. He no longer felt himself. His breathing became heavier as they slowly started to run faster, which started to
Suffocate him.

Kai continued to run behind her, still mindless, thoughtless, and he just let his feet carry him. For a moment he almost forgot how to breath.

The girl came to a stop, as they ended back at there old neighborhood. The tree still perfectly in tact.

The girl turned Kai around putting her hands on his shoulders, "Welcome home," her voice was soft but sharp, slightly varying in pitch. She pushed Kai down and pecked him on the cheek.

Kai felt his eyes sag, and his shoulders curled upwards, This is my new home? He once again looked back in the direction he came in.

"Oh Kaile, don't look so down. Come on now I have someone to show you" She once again cling to Kai's arm and pulled him to an old house that he kinda recognized.

The girl pulled him inside nearly dragging him. At first he thought that they were alone but he heard the sound of footsteps behind them, and it wasn't either of theirs.

Kai's head swiftly shot behind him to see if anyone was there, but to his surprise, there was no one.

They both continued to walk forward through another seemingly endless hallway. Kai's breaths became shorter, and he felt his body once again start to shake as the hall become darker and darker.

And then it hit him like a blunt axe as the noise left him on the ground. He felt his whole body shake as an extreme pain came to his shoulder. A tall undistinguishable figure stood looking down at his body that was sprawled out on the ground.

He turned away for a moment, looking at the girl, "Nice Job Ruby, thanks for getting him back for me," his voice was deep, but Kai didn't recognize it.

"Awww, do you really have to give him back to you daddy! I really want to keep him!" Ruby said, her voice high in pitch.

"You can have him back once he is officially a soldier for the Octarian army."

"I get to have my own sanitization subject!"

"Yes, yes you can."

Kai looked up at the both on them, trembling. The Tall male Octo walked closer to him, he squared down next to his face, only his smile was visible to him. "Don't worry Kaile, everything will be perfectly fine. You will no longer be a useless, weak, pathetic excuse for an Octo."

The Octo's hands covered his mouth. Kai's eyes widened, and he tried to escape from the man's grip, but the man only faught back harder. He put his hand gripping his wounded shoulder. He took a pocket knife from his pocked. He flipped it out. Pointing it towards him.


Kai woke up in a cold sweat, tears rolling down cheeks. Kai looked over at his shoulder which was perfectly fine and realized that he was in the exact spot that he was in when he fell asleep the night before. Kai covered his face as he felt tears rush into his hands.

Who was that guy? Was he even real? Why did he try and...

His thoughts faded away, and he slowly steadied his breathing. Kai sat up in his bed, slowly taking his hands away from his face, leaving his eyes puffy and his face red.

He reached over and grabbed his phone. He looked at the day and released that it was time to tell Ruby his decision.

His hands were still shaking from his nightmare, but he was able to send a single text to Ruby...

ruby meet me at the square today at 3:30... i have made my decision

Kai sent the text and then laid back down him his bed, "And this time... All decisions are final...."

Toxic Love -(Adventures of Agent 9 Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now