-The First Of Team Sugar Sea-

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It was the dawn of a new day and a new adventure. Kai has just walked for the first time in a month and he and his friends, and family were there with him. The day has only just begun and so had their new adventure!

"Why don't we do a rematch! Since both of our teams are complete!" Brinn suggested, a smile springing onto her face.

"Well, I think that's a great idea! Team Sugar Sea V.S. Team Jawbreaker?" Star jumped up and down with excitement.

"Come on then! Let's go!" Kai started to run towards the lobby and got ready to make a private battle between them. Kai signed them up and they prepared to Turf!

Team Jawbreaker went to the other side of the map and stretched, while Team Sugar Sea discussed a plan.

"So what's the plan, Kai?" Niki asked, bending over in a huddle.

"Well, they are a very skilled team. They have a new member, Kaia, but she is quite strong, so don't underestimate her. She has been through a lot and I heard that Brinn is training her."

"What! Really?! Do you think we can win then? They have a really strong team!" Star looked at Kai waiting for an answer.

"Well it could be tricky, but we could probably manage. So Sol and I have splashdown, Niki you have Inkray, and Star you have Tenta-Missiles. We have to find a way to use that to our advantage."

"Ok, so what's the plan?" Sol asked.

"What Star, Niki, and I did last time almost worked, but there was one flaw, me."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Niki asked, giving him a questioning look.

"I forgot to fully charge my special because I got distracted."

"So, we all get distracted sometimes, so don't sweat it" Niki slapped his back, trying to encourage him.

"Don't worry, I'm not, but I came up with a plan!"

"Really? What is it?" Star looked at him with wide eyes.

"Well, this is how it goes..."

After Team Sugar Sea finished their plan, the match started, and they were off! The map was New Albacore Hotel. The many inclines produced troubles for a charger's hiding spots, but they managed.

Niki used her charger to shoot ink across the ground slowly charging up her special as she got to a small platform that she could use for cover.

Star, Kai, and Sol split up temporarily to ink thee spawn and they met up in the middle where Team Jawbreaker was waiting for them.

"Are you ready for the real fight to begin?" Kai looking into Brinn's eyes a smug look on his face.

"Oh you're on!"

Then the real battle began. The ink was flying everywhere as Inklings, and Octolings got splatted on both teams until it was only Kai and Brinn in the middle.

"It's just you and me Kai, you ready to lose?" Brinn looked at him, her teeth glinting in the sunlight.

"Uh, actually I'm not." Kai smiled and got ready.

Brinn cracked her neck and knuckles, "Bring it!"

Kai swallowed and braced himself for impact, but he didn't give up!

There were only 60 seconds on the clock, and these last few seconds would determine whether they would win or lose.

Brinn was still charging at him, shooting her ink directly at Kai. Kai tried to dodge it but each shot is hitting Kai.

"Listen, Brinn, you wouldn't want to hurt me would you?" Kai pouted his lip and facet her puppy dog eyes.

"Are you really trying to guilt-trip me? An FYI, puppy dog eyes don't work on me." Brinn ran up to him and splatted him.

"Guys I'm down!" Kai shouted, and Niki, Star, and Sol froze.

"Oh, what about the plan? Did it work?" Niki yelled.

"No, I don't think so!" Kai yelled back.

"Oh no, what?!" Sol shouted.

"What else would we do?"

The whole team started to ink turf desperately, trying to cover as much turf as they could. Then Star used her Tenta-Missiles to check where they were and just as they were all together she fired. Then she swam to the place that they were at.

Then Niki used her inkray to push them into one spot. It was Kai's, turn.

Kai jumped to Star, only to realize that once again his special wasn't ready. But he kept a straight face. He landed slightly wincing from the impact on his feet but he was ok.

"Well, that was anticlimactic," Brinn said ready to shoot, but then Kai gave a small smile and looked up.

Brinn finished off Kai splatting him only to realize it was too late. Sol came down from the sky using his splashdown to splat all of Team Jawbreaker and then the all rushed in and inked all of mid.

The timer went off and the winners were announced. Team Sugar Sea had won!

"Oh my gosh, we actually did it!" Star jumped in the air excitedly.

"Wow that was actually smart Kai, doing the same tactic, but making them believe that you forgot to charge your special, that was acutely smart!" Niki complimented him.

"Why thank you!" Kai replied.

Kai felt a tap on his shoulder. "Hey Kai, good game! You were....really great out there."

Kai turned around seeing Brinn. He blushed, "U-Uh thank you!"

"Well, um... We'll win next time so don't get used to it!"

"Well have to see about that!" Kai smiled.

"S-shut up!"

As they were talking, Sol walked over to Niki and tapped her on the shoulder.

"So how long have they liked each other?" Sol asked.

"Well quite a while, it's really obvious right?"

"So obviously, do they even know that they each like each other?"


"Well, that is very strange."

"They're oblivious."

As Brinn and Kai were bickering Brinn was about to leave, but just before she left Kai stopped her.

"Hey wait, Brinn, do you maybe want to hang out sometime, er, as friends of course." Kai's face turned a bright shade of red as he scratched the back of his head.

"Sure I would like to go... as friends, of course, don't get any wrong ideas!"

"Yeah, I know. Just as friends! So how about this Saturday?"

"Sounds good! Well, anyway we should probably get going. We will see you all soon! And I'll be looking afterward to that rematch!" Brinn winked and left with the rest of her team.

Kai blushed and waved goodbye. Their own team reckoned that they should probably get going too, and so they did. They all went home to get some rest. Long days of inking turf would wear any cephalopod out.

Kai went home and laid down on his bed, excited for Saturday. The first official time he would hang out with his crush was in a few days! He felt butterflies just thinking about it.

He fell asleep with pink on his cheeks and a smile on his face.

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