-"Move Back to Octo Vally With me?"-

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Ruby gazes into his eyes her smile wide, hoping that she would get the response that she wanted to the question that she didn't ask.

Kai started to tremble a bit as he gazed back into her eyes. He was scared to see what she would ask him, but he knew he had no choice but to listen.

"Oh my Dear Sweet Kaile, I have but one thing to ask you. There are many other Octolings that would love to see you! And you know I have to leave so my question is will you move back to Octo valley with me?"

Kai's eyes widened from shock. He didn't know what to say. He had found a life here, found new friends here. He didn't want to leave at all.

Kai didn't respond to what Ruby said. He only averted his gaze from her eyes and looked down at the grass below his feet.

"What, you don't want to come back with me?"

"No, it's not that. I just don't want to leave my friends behind."

"But I thought I was your friend. I am even more than a friend to you. So why don't you just come back with me." Ruby Scooch closer to Kai. She grabbed his chin and turned his face towards her. Her fingers were sharp and stiff. She grabbed his hands and looked back into his eyes even though he averted his gaze.

Kai cautiously looked back at her feeling her grip that was unable to be loosened. Ruby's eyes were wide and her smile wider but her eyebrows were furrowed giving her a foreboding look.

"Oh come on Kaile! Can't you see that we're just meant to be together. And we can't be together if I leave without you. I want you all to myself too. So why don't you come back with me?"

Kai once again didn't respond. A concerned look crossed his face. He didn't know what to do. He didn't want to leave his friends but he didn't want to hurt Ruby.

"Answer Me Kaile! Why don't you just respond to me! Why can't you just give me an answer!"

Kai froze and looked into her eyes once again, "Because I don't know the answer to that... I don't want to leave my friends, but at the same time I-I don't w-want to l-leave you. I have to think about it...."

"Why can't you just answer me! The answer is obvious so why can't you just choose it!"

"Because the answer isn't obvious! I just met up with my sister again, I've made a bunch of new friends, and I don't wanna leave them!"

Ruby stood up from the bench standing over Kai, "Fine! Sometimes you're just so selfish! I'll give you three days to think this over if you don't respond by then we're through!"

"Fine... I'll make sure to make my decision soon.... or at least I'll try. I have a lot to think over..."

Ruby looks down at Kai still standing over him. She backed off and started to walk away, she didn't even say goodbye. Ruby walked off into the distance leaving Kai alone with his thoughts.

Kai sat there all alone. He sat there to the sun decided to wave goodbye on the horizon. It was almost night and the sun was setting and I still sat there all alone.

Kai had a lot to think about, and he didn't know what to choose. He didn't love her but he didn't want to hurt her. And Kai loves his friends more than anything in the world. He didn't want to leave them. He had a hard decision to make, and He hoped that he would make the right one....

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