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The sun rose, and the soft breeze scraped Kai's window. It was the day after Kai and Brinn decided to go out for ice cream as friends. It was in the middle of the afternoon and Kai just got a text on his phone:

Niki: Hey Kai how was yesterday?

Kai: it went well why do u ask

Niki: Oh no reason, I was just wondering...So what are you doing right now?

Kai: oh im not doing anything right now why do u ask

Niki: Well Brinn, Kaia, Sol, and I are at Inkopolis square right now! We wanted to invite you!

Kai: what about star clyde and hazy

Niki: Star is sick Clyde is doing more research and stuff, and Hazy...... well they're "fashionably late"

Kai: i see haha So their not coming

Niki: No, but they are coming next time.

Kai: oh ok well i dont see any reason that i cant make it so ill be on my way!

Niki: Great! I'll see you there!

Kai turned off his phone and ran to get his shoes. He quickly tried to put them on standing up, but he quickly realized as he was falling that wasn't a good idea. He fell onto his bed still trying to fit the shoes over his big feet. Eventually Kai got the first shoe on and turned over to put on the other shoe. Once he finally got his shoes on, Kai started to head to Inkopolis Square. It took Kai a good while, but he got there eventually.

Once he arrived, he saw them all sitting down at a table near the entrance to the Turf Lobby. Kai quickly ran over to the table, pulling over a chair and sitting down.

"Hey, Guys! How are you doing!" Kai smiled, his eyes were slightly squinted, yet completely shut, and his smile went from ear to ear.
(the Classic Kai smile)

"Oh, hey Kai!" Niki waved at him her smile growing.

"Hey, glad you could make it," Sol stood up from his chair and gave him a pat on the back.

"Oh, hello Kai. Good to see you again," Brinn smiled at him, her shoulders curling upwards slightly.

Kai blushed and waved at her, tilting his head to the side and smiling. "So what are we all talking about?" He asked looking around the table.

"We're all just getting to know each other," Niki said, looking at everyone once again.

"We are all going around in a circle telling each other something about ourselves." Sol explained.

"Oh, okay! Who's going now?" Kai asked, pulling some up a chair and sitting down.

"Oh, it's my turn!" Niki said, a smile draped onto her face. "So! Here is something that most people don't know about me! Kai and I escaped from Octo valley!"

"I thought we already knew that?" Sol looked at her with a confused look on his face.

"No, like, before this." Niki explained.

"I know. I know the story." Sol brushed it off.

"Woo come from dark place too?" Kaia sat up a little in her chair, she was almost too short to be seen.

"Well, Yeah..... that's where we lived for a while." Kai said, his arm going to the back of his neck.

Kaia's eyes lit up, "I lived there too..."

"You did? Wow!" Kai looked at her, a bit amazed that he had never seen her, but then he realized that she was only 5.

"Yeah, but they doing ex- exper.......experiments On me? It was to turn me full Octo. It worked I think. That why I like this." Kaia looked to the floor, which was far from her reach.

"Ohhhhh, I thought she looked older then she was!" Sol said, smacking his head as he realized.

Kaia got a little spooked and slouched down a little, her tentacle gripping onto Brinn's.

"Well, we got to know each other more! That's great! Now, who goes next?" Kai looked around the table trying to find someone that he didn't know much about.

After that, Kai's hears the sound of two high heels walking behind him. He waited for them to pass, but they froze just before him. A hand smoothie grazed his shoulder and a shiver flew down his spine, and his eyes went wide.

"How about I go?" Their voice was high pitched, like a girls, but just deep enough not to be too annoying.

Kai didn't look behind him, frozen by fear. His friends watched him with anticipation as they saw the figure behind him. Was someone out to get him or something? He didn't think he did anything wrong.

The hand that was on his shoulder slowly moved from his shoulder to across his back, to his other shoulder then the feeling of the hand disappeared.

Kai turned around looked to see if he could identify the face, but it was masked by the hood she was wearing.

It was the same girl from the ice cream shop. Well it at least looks like her. Kai thought

Slowly the girl took off her hoodie. The face had a very distinguished jawline, and she was naturally pale. Her smile was pearly white, but something about her in general gave Kai the chills.

"Hello! I also come from Octo Valley, and I know this little octo too!" Her nails were sharp as nails, and voice was breathy, she smirked, "And I also know Nikiole too..... it's good to see you old friends."

"I'm sorry, but I think I would remember being friends with you!" Niki had an angry look on her face, her lips formed a frown, her brows formed a U.

"Oh, you don't remember me? Well, that's not very nice. Would you like to know who I am?" Her eyes went narrow, looking her square I the eye.

"U-uh sure?" Kai looked up at her. She had a look of superiority in her eyes.

"The name's Ruby. Pleasure to meet you."

Toxic Love -(Adventures of Agent 9 Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now