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Ruby grabbed Her hand and leaded her towards a bench near by. Ruby sat down and gave Brinn a small signal, telling her to sit down.

They sat there in silence for a moment, but Ruby could never stay silent, "So you said that you Like Kaile? What do you need help with?" Ruby swung her arm to the side, flicking her wrist and pointing it down.

"Well, Uh, I guess....... But that's really beside the point... Never mind, this is useless anyway." Brinn stood up ready to leave, but before she left she felt pressure on her shoulder forcing her down.

"No, No, why don't you stay? I can help if you want." A smile grew on her face, she dug her sharp nails into her shoulder slightly tightening her grip.

"R-really? I mean it's not like I really care though. It doesn't really matter anyway." She looked away.

"Oh, sure it does! Well, you came to the right octo for advice!" Ruby pulled Brinn into a side hug.

"R-Really?" She shyly asked.

"Yeah! Of course! I know All about love!"

"Oh, well okay...."

"So you want to know how to make him like you? Well, I can tell you all about it, first, you need to look pretty! So that might need some work."

"Oh, well......."

"Uh, don't worry I can help you," Ruby smirked.

"What can I do? I mean- to look Pretty?"

"Well for starters, you can start with the clothes! Ugh! They're hideous!"

"Oh, well.........ok" Brinn looked down at her clothes. She wore a blue hoodie with a white and light blue striped collared shirt underneath. Brinn rubbed her arm.

"Maybe lose the hoodie and then you would be good"

"Oh, alright."

"Now, now that that's taken care of, what else... Oh!" Ruby froze putting her finger in the air. "Why don't you do a romantic gesture like Kiss him on the cheek!"

"W-WAH?! I can't do that!" Brinn blushed to bite her lip and turned away.

"Oh come on! You have too! After that, he just can't say no! He would be too flustered!"

"Nope! I am not doing that!"

"Ok, ok fine! Well I guess after that there is one more step, just tell him how you feel"

"Easier said than done."

"It can't be too hard. All you have to do is tell him!"

"...... well I guess you're right....."

"Well, I always am!"

"So I can trust you?"

"Why of course! If you can't trust me, Who can you trust?" Ruby smirked

"Well, I guess you're right......."

"I know! Well, I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow? Why tomorrow?"

"Well, that's when you're going to confess! Isn't it Obvious!"

"WHAT?! I can't do it TOMORROW!"

"Well, I guess you're just going to live the rest of your life sad and alone...."

Brinn didn't respond at first, out of a nervous habit she bit her lip and cracked her knuckles. "Well, I guess you're right......"

"Again, I know! Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow, oh, and yes I'll be there! I wouldn't miss it for the world....."

"Well, ok then. I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yep! That's right." Ruby stood up and started to walk away, and with her back towards Brinn, she waved at her without giving her a second look. Then she disappeared as the sun set across the sky.

Brinn was left there alone with her thoughts. She sat there for a while before she left, but just as the sun was fully gone, she grabbed her bag and made her way to her apartment........

Toxic Love -(Adventures of Agent 9 Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now