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Nim's Outfit

Nim's Outfit

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August 17th, 2018

Nim's P.O.V

"Are you joking?"~Nims

"No, sorry love."~Mum says and I hit my head on the table.

"Stop it, you'll get a headache."~Mum says as I laugh.

"Fine by me."~Nims

"Naomi it's one dinner okay? That's all I'm asking for."~Mum says as she prepares a Sunday Roast.

"When are they coming?"~Nims

"Few minutes."~Mum

"I swear down if you sit me next to either of them I'll kill someone."~Nims

"Whoops, sorry."~Mum

"Mum."~I whine as she frowns.

"I don't see why you guys can't makeup."~Mum

"'Cause I left without telling them, Mum."~Nims

"Okay, I see why they hate you."~Mum

"And it's just Tom today, no Haz."~Mum adds in quickly.

"Thanks."~I say sarcastically as the doorbell sounds.

"I'll get it."~My dad says as Alfie barks.

"You look fine Nims."~Mum says as I lean back in my chair and sip on my cup of tea.

"I see Naomi's car's outside again, does that mean she's here?"~I hear Dom say as I smile, standing up as I walk into the hallway, still holding my tea.

"There she is!"~Dom laughs as I smile.

"I only came for a cup of tea and now I'm staying for dinner so I hope you don't mind."~Nims

"Of course we don't love, you're more than family to us."~Dom says and ruffles my hair. 

"Naomi can you go upstairs with one of the lads and get that bloody box out of your room?"~Mum says as I roll my eyes.

"I'll get it later."~Nims

"You say this and you'll go home before you get it."~Mum teases as I scrunch my nose up.

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