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Naomi and Tom's Outfits

Naomi and Tom's Outfits

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Tommy and Summer's Outfits

Tommy and Summer's Outfits

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February 1st, 2019

Naomi's P.O.V

"Thank you."~Summer says as I finish the final details on the spread of food for her Gender Reveal.

"Where's the boyfriend?"~Summer

"Upstairs getting changed."~Naomi

"Thank you again for having it here Nims, our house isn't exactly the cleanest right now."~Tommy

"No problem Ferbuloso."~I say and he smiles at me.

"I couldn't find anything to wear so this will have to do."~Tom says as he walks in with a hoodie on. The three of us shrug as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind, head on my shoulder as he kisses my neck softly.

"Ah, the lovebirds are at it again."~Summer says as I scrunch my nose up at her. The doorbell sounds through the house, signifying our first guests are here as Summer goes to answer.

"Thank you again."~Tommy says before walking to find his fiance.

"I don't see why I'm here, not that I wanna be rude."~Tom

"We're thee godparents, and we're throwing the cake at the two of them."~Naomi

"You had me at throwing."~Tom says as I giggle.

"Naomi! Oh look at you."~Kayleigh says as I smile.

"Hey, I've missed you."~I say as I move Tom's hands off of me so I can hug her.

"My little pea pod has a boyfriend, so I've been told?"~Kayleigh

"Tom this is Kayleigh, Kayleigh this is Tom."~I introduce them as Tom shakes her hand.

"Small world."~Kayleigh says before a few more people walk in.

"Lovely house Summer."~I hear someone say as she stutters.

"This isn't mine, it's Naomi's."~She replies as I stand beside Tom. Knowing I wouldn't be drinking any of the pop on the table, I flicked on the kettle and made myself some peppermint tea, only used in times of stress, and take a sip, feeling relieved instantly.

"Everyone's here."~Summer says as Tommy walks in with his parents and his sister. The four smile at me as I smile back, watching as everyone mingles as Tom and I stand in front of the kitchen counters, away from it all.

"You can go talk you know."~Tom

"I know, I don't know everyone that well though so I'll just stay with you."~Nims. His hand sits on my waist softly as I finish drinking my tea, putting it into the sink to be washed later on as Summer looks at me.


"Okay, so no one actually knows the gender here, not even Naomi."~Summer says as I smile.

"Basically, we're gonna get our godparents to throw the cake at us and the gender of our baby is the colour of the cake inside."~Tommy says as Tom and I stand on either side of the two. 

"Please don't kill me."~Summer says and I laugh.

"I'll try."~I say as everyone begins counting down from 10. Tom and I stand with a cake each in our hand, waiting for the number 0 to be said Summer and Tommy try to shield themselves as best as can.

"3, 2 ,1, 0!"~Everyone calls as I throw the cake at Naomi, blue crumbs all over her as I squeal in excitement. Tommy and Summer do the same as I smile, tears nearly falling from my eyes as Tom smiles at me.

"Told you I knew."~Naomi

"You have some sort of telekineses powers."~Tom says as Summer turns to me.

"I'm having a boy!"~Summer says and I hug her, the two of us jumping in excitement as Tom and Tommy laugh at us.

"Wait, don't do anything else."~I say and pull away, running inside the house and upstairs to my office as I go into the cupboard. I retrieve the little outfit I bought a few weeks ago and take it downstairs and back outside.

"What did you do?"~Summer

"Remember when we went looking at Baby Stuff? And I said Tom rang me?"~I say and she nods.

"He didn't, I wandered off and found this, and I knew you were having a boy so I had to get if for you."~I say and hand her the white bag. She takes it out, holding the hanger at the top as she smiles, nearly shedding a few tears as I giggle.

"Couldn't help myself."~Naomi

"Thank you, Naomi."~She smiles and hugs me again. She shows Thomas the little outfit as I walk over to Tom and he kisses my hair.

"Don't cry, love."~Tom

"Can't help it."~I say and wipe my eyes.

"That's the cutest little outfit, Naomi."~I hear Thomas' sister say and I smile, leaning my head on Tom's shoulder as he wraps an arm around my waist.



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