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Nim's Outfit

Nim's Outfit

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November 5th, 2018

Nim's P.O.V

"Naomi, can you come to the house?"~Summer says over the phone as I furrow my eyebrows.

"Summer what's wrong? You don't sound like you."~I say as Tom looks at me.

"Please Naomi."~She says and I panic, gathering all of my shit which made Tom panic too.

"I'll be home soon, don't do anything stupid."~I say and she ends the call without another word.

"Is she okay?"~Tom

"I don't know, she wouldn't say anything."~Nims

"Okay, let's go then."~Tom says as we leave his parents house and walk to my house. I walk inside, leaving the door open for Tom as he shuts it behind him.

"Summer what the fuck is going on?"~I say as I walk into the kitchen to see her and Tommy smiling at each other.

"Oh, nothing, except I'm carrying a huge diamond around with me."~Sunny

"You did it!"~Nims

"Thanks for the help by the way."~Tommy says and I smile.

"You were in on this? You snake."~Summer says and laughs.

"You scared me, Tom and I were tryna watch Star Wars."~Nims

"She says try, I was falling asleep."~Tom

"Leave Adam Driver alone."~I say before Summer can open her mouth.

"Hey, I'm in the first one."~Tommy

"I know, I recognised your accent and I couldn't even see you."~I say and he laughs.

"Shall we tell her the other news?"~Summer says and my smile drops.

"What? What news?"~Nims

"Well, there's two things actually."~Summer

"The first being that I'm moving."~Summer says as my hands drop by my side.

"Please don't kill me, the second thing is why I'm moving."~Summer

"I can't live here alone, I can barely afford my own car."~Nims

"Nims I'll help you."~Summer

"Summer we can barely live here together, how do you expect me to pay for this place on my own?"~Nims

"Enter your new roommates."~Summer says as Haz and Tom walk through the sliding kitchen doors.

"When did you move?"~Nims

"I'm quiet you know."~Tom

"Naomi, you can't expect me to live her forever. So, I've told Tom and Haz to pack their shit up 'cause they're moving in."~Summer

"You're making me live with two boys?"~Nims

"Yes, yes I am."~Summer says as I frown.

"What's this second thing then? What's so important that it's gonna take you away?"~Nims

"We're expecting."~Tommy says as I furrow my eyebrows.

"Expecting what? Oh, ohhhh."~Naomi

"Oh my god!"~I say and the four of them laugh.

"I didn't wanna burden you with a little baby."~Summer

"Burden? You're clearly dumb if you think it would be a burden."~Nims

"We also wanted to ask you and Tom if you'd be the godparents."~Tommy

"Carry on and I'll collapse."~Nims. He laughs softly as his arm sits on Summers's waist.

"We'd love to be the godparents."~I say as Tom wraps his arms around me from behind.

"I'm living a whole lot of fucking hell right now."~Haz says and we all laugh.


I slide Summer's desk into the back of the truck and shut it as the driver disappears to Tommy's home.

"I love you, stay safe and make sure you get these boys to clean up."~Summer says as Alfie sits at my side. She bends down and scratches behind his ears softly, pressing a kiss to his head as I smile.

"See you soon."~Nims

"Bye love."~she says before leaving with Tommy. I walk to the front door of the house, whistling as Alfie runs inside and goes back to his bed.

"Question?"~Haz says as I walk into the kitchen.


"Who's room is who's?"~Haz says as I shrug.

"I'm not bothered."~Nims. I flip the switch for the kettle and let it boil as I put my teabag and sugar in a mug. I fill it up with the boiled water, taking out the teabag before putting in the milk. 

"Love are you okay?"~Tom

"Yeah I'm good, I'll be upstairs. Alfie c'mon boy."~I say and he gets up, following me up to my office as I sit down in my desk chair.

"Gorgeous what's up?"~Tom says as he walks in.

"I literally woke up this morning thinking I could come home to Summer and watch a film, and now she's gone in a matter of 2 hours."~Nims

"I know it's weird darling but she wasn't gonna stay here forever."~Tom

"I wish she was."~Nims

"Besides, you got me and Haz to keep you company now."~Tom says as I laugh.

"Can't wait for that."~Nims

"Now where the fuck are we sleeping tonight?"~Tom

"You can sleep with me, Haz can sleep on the couch until we get him a bed."~Nims

"Fine by me."~Tom smiles as he kisses my cheek.


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