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Naomi's Outfit

Naomi's Outfit

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September 1st, 2019

Naomi's P.O.V

"Tom it's 3 am."~Naomi

"Please love, I promise it'll be worth it."~Tom asks softly as I sigh.

"Fine."~Naomi. He smiles, kissing my forehead before going downstairs as I change into some comfy clothes and meet him down there.

"Let's go."~Tom says as he grabs Loki's leash. He attaches it to his collar as Loki follows us outside and into my car.

"I'll drive."~Tom says and I nod, handing him the keys as I get in the passenger.

"Where are we going?"~Naomi

"You'll see."~Tom says as he sets off driving.

The two of us jam out to music on the way there, laughing at each other's dodgy jokes and managing to find some food before we arrive at a dirt trail.

"Are you gonna kill me and bury my body?"~Naomi

"No, but if you keep asking questions, I might."~Tom says and I laugh. I get out of the car and take Loki out as he makes his way down the path. I follow, holding his hand as he swings our hands back and forth lightly.

"What's going on?"~Naomi

"Nothing, I just wanted a walk somewhere nice for a change."~Tom says with a genuine smile as I giggle. I let Loki off of his leash, knowing he'll just follow beside us as we come to a creek. A wooden bridge is covering the small stream as I look over it to see how far from the ground we were.

"Naomi?"~Tom says as I look at him and see him down on one knee.

"Before you say anything, let me speak."~Tom says and I nod. He takes my right hand in his as Loki sits down to my side.

"I know we've not been dating for even a year yet, but the fact we've been friends for over 10 makes me know that this is the right thing to do. You're my everything, the joy and pride of my life, you inspire me to a hellish extent and you're all around my favourite person in the world. I cannot imagine my life without you, and I don't want to do that ever again. So I would like to ask you to change your last name from Evans to Holland."~Tom says as I smile.

"Of course I'll marry you, dork."~Naomi. He opens the small black box, revealing a simple engagement ring as I smile. He slips it onto my finger and stands up as I hold his cheeks and kiss him.

"I love you so fucking much."~Naomi

"I love you too gorgeous."~Tom says as he wraps his arms around my waist. After the two of us sit and watch the sunrise, we drive home and go back to the house as I go into the back garden to see Sam, Harry, Harrison, Tuwaine, Niall and Mully sitting on the furniture.

"Show me!"~Harrison says and I laugh.

"Tom already told me you picked it out moron."~Naomi

"Never reveal your own secrets Holland!"~Haz says as I sit beside Niall.

"Congratulations love."~Niall says and I smile.

"Thank you."~Naomi. I then realise that Summer was on her honeymoon, so I facetimed her and wait for her to connect.

"I'm in the bath, what's up?"~Summer says as I flip my camera and show her the ring.

"Oh my god! You're engaged!"~Summer squeals as I laugh.

"How's Italy?"~Naomi

"Beautiful, but smells awful."~Summer frowns and I laugh.

"I'll let you bathe in piece, see you soon."~Naomi

"Bye love!"~Summer says before disappearing.


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