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Naomi's Outfit

Naomi's Outfit

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May 1st, 2019

Naomi's P.O.V

"It's nearly summer."~I smile to myself as Haz and I sit outside in the sun with Alfie.

"I cannot wait for summer, it's gonna be great."~Haz

"I've not got any plans whatsoever."~Naomi

"Tom's on press tour."~Haz

"I know."~I say as I sip some of my tea.

"Surprised he hasn't asked you to go."~Haz

"Can I be bothered travelling that much though?"~Naomi

"Probably not, it's really tiring."~Haz


"You should go with him, you've always wanted to travel the world."~Haz

"Travelling the world as an extra isn't what I wanted, love."~Naomi

"I know it's different but hey, you get to go all over the place and meet a shit tonne of people. Pretty sure you'll end up meeting Jake Gyllenhaal."~Haz

"He doesn't compare to Robert Downey Jr though."~Naomi

"We know."~Tuwaine says as he joins us outside.

"Thank you Tuwaine."~I say as my phone starts ringing inside. I roll my eyes and go inside to get it, answering the Facetime as I hear Tom shout something.

"Trying to blow my ears off?"~Naomi

"Oh, sorry love, I was talking to Daisy."~Tom says and I roll my eyes.

"Anyway, what's up?"~Naomi

"I wanted to call you, is that bad?"~Tom

"You're working and I'm trying to stop Harrison from throwing my dog over the fence."~I laugh, noticing Alfie chasing Harrison around.

"I'm glad you're having fun darling."~Tom

"Not much fun though, I've still got a fractured wrist and I haven't had a nice bath in two weeks."~Naomi

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