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Pre-Smut warning.

Stolen from farfromparker on Tumblr :)

However, edited by me 'cause some of it needed to fit in my time frame :)


February 10th, 2019

Naomi's P.O.V

"You're always complaining about back pain and look at how you're sitting."~Tom teases as he walks into the kitchen. My eyes don't leave the screen but a smile cracks my face nonetheless.

"Darling, have you seen my water bottle?"~He asks, fingers drumming against the kitchen counter. I hum quietly, finishing off an email and sending it before spinning my chair to face him.

"Dishwasher."~I smirk.

"Ya know, the logical place for dishes that are dirty."~Naomi

"Alright smart ass."~He laughs.

"So, going to the gym looking like a whole snack huh?"~I ask, biting my lip as I look him over. He laughs, louder this time, eyes crinkling as he glances down at himself, grey joggers and a blue shirt.

"How are you attracted to this? I look like a bum."~Tom

"Well, first of all, I'm always attracted to you."~I say, getting up from my chair and walking over to him. I kiss his lips softly before continuing.

"Second, I can see your figure very clearly through this shirt."~I say and he licks his lips, eyes wide as he listens to me.

"And finally, I don't think you're wearing any underwear, and those joggers don't leave much to the imagination."~Naomi. He stutters, cheeks turning red as I run a finger down his stomach.

"Am I wrong?"~I ask, reaching the waistband of his joggers.

"No."~He breaths. I trail my finger lower, brushing slightly against the outline of his cock. He sucks in a breath and I can feel it harden under my feather-light touches. I glance up at him from under my lashes, seeing the desire swimming in his beautiful eyes.

"I should - I need to go to the gym."~His voice is soft.

"Okay."~I reply simply, hand falling away from him.

"Have fun."~I lean in for a quick kiss on his lips before walking into the living room and settling down on the couch. The TV is humming quietly and I act interested, ignoring how I can see him staring at me with his mouth slightly agape. I hear him scoff after a moment, laughing quietly to himself. He comes over and settles next to me on the couch.

"You always get exactly what you want, don't you?"~He asks, hands grabbing at my hips to bring me into his lap. I move easily onto him, straddling him whilst scraping my fingers through his curly hair.

"Don't act like this isn't what you wanted as well."~I whisper into his ear, accentuating my point by grinding down onto him.  He sighs against my neck, fingers digging into my hips, helping guide my movements. The leggings I'm wearing are thin, making it easy to feel him against my core.

"Fuck, darling, you're always what I want."~Tom. I pull back and bring his face to me, kissing him. Opening my mouth easily to him, I moan as his tongue finds mine. His hand finds the hem of my shirt, pushing it up as he skims along my skin. He pulls the cup of my bra down to get a hand on my breast, thumb rubbing against my hardened nipple. I arch into his hand, pulling away from his lips slowly, catching his bottom lip between my teeth for a moment before letting go.

"Want you."~He groans, emphasising his point by flexing his hips up into me and tugging at my shirt.

"Patience, love."~I say smugly, leaning into to brush my lips against the pulse point in his next. My teeth graze the skin there, earning another groan as I ask a silent question.

"You can."~He breaths, tilting his head back to give me better access.

"You're gonna be filming in a week, Tommy."~Naomi

"And I have a great makeup artist."~Tom. I laugh, not questioning him any further. I grind against him as I sink my teeth in, sucking the skin into my mouth as my name spills from his lips like sprayer. 

"Gonna make me cum, sweetheart."~He moans, but doesn't ask me to stop. I'm not there, not by a mile but seeing him like this, hard and whiny beneath me, it's got me feeling some sort of way. And maybe him cumming like this wouldn't be terrible. Maybe seeing him stain his grey joggers, seeing him finish while fully clothed, well, maybe that takes this to a whole new level.

And so I don't stop, moving his head to get to the other side of his neck to start a new mark, grinding against him with movements that carry more intention. He feels my purpose now and he doesn't fight it.

"Ah fuck, god - I'm gonna-"~My teeth catch against his skin and his lips falter. His hands have found themselves on my ass and he squeezes, bringing my hips down on his one final time. He cums with a shout, noises mixing with a groan that was definitely my name. I help him ride it out, sucking softly on his neck until he's finished.

Slowly, I pull away to look at him. The bruise on the right side of his neck is massive and turning purple already. His cheeks are red and he's panting, head resting against the back of the couch. The smaller bruise on his left side is pink but darkening, it'll still be noticeable for a day or two.

I slide off his lap to sit next to him on the couch and that's when I see it, the wet patch on his lap, darkening the light grey of his sweatpants. Arousal pinches at my clit so hard it almost hurts.

"Fuck, Tom."~Naomi

"God."~He scrubs his hand across his face.

"Can't believe you made me cum in my pants."~Tom. I bite my lip, ignoring how badly I wanted to touch myself.

"Yeah, but it was so hot love."~Naomi. Finally, he looks at me. See's it in my eyes, watching me chew on my lip, and he knows. He grabs at my leggings and I lift my hips to help him get them down. He doesn't bother removing my underwear, just pushes them aside to get his fingers inside me. I moan, but he cuts me off, lips crashing against mine as his thumb rubs against my clit. It's a little uncoordinated, his mind is still a little hazy, but it's enough. It's hard to focus on kissing him like this though, so I cling to his biceps, feeling the muscles work under my fingertips as he fucks me. It crashes over me quickly and I clench and flutter around his fingers. He groans lowly against my lips, knowing how I'd feel around his cock. He presses his forehead to mine, letting my panting breath fan across his face.

"You should wear this outfit more often."~I whisper.

He laughs, pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

"Yes ma'am."~Tom



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