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Naomi's Outfit

Naomi's Outfit

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April 16th, 2019

Naomi's P.O.V

"I'll be back later."~I call through the house before leaving. I get in my car and put my bag and phone in the passenger seat before setting off to Asda. Once I'd arrived, I get out and take my phone and bag, grabbing a trolley on the way in as my phone buzzes in my back pocket. I ignore it and continue to do my weekly shop, a few people grabbing things for me when I needed it. Bumping into someone, I apologise profusely as I look up and mouth almost drops open.

"It's okay honey."~He says, his Canadian Accent even more heavenly than I thought.

"Naomi Evans right?"~He asks, pointing at me as I nod.

"Uhm, yeah."~Naomi

"I thought so, so many of my followers tagged me in that video of you from a few years ago singing Life of the Party. You're a really good singer."~Shawn says and I nearly faint then and there.

"Thank you, I really adore your music."~Naomi

"Thank you so much."~He smiles softly as his manager calls for him.

"I'll have to go, don't worry about knocking into me."~He smiles as I smile back. He begins walking away as I go to carry on shopping until he comes back.

"Do you have tickets tonight?"~Shawn

"I got tickets for the 19th."~Naomi

"Good, I'll see you there."~He winks at me before disappearing this time. I instantly get my phone out of my pocket, pressing on the first person on my speed dial as they answer after a few rings.

"Naomi, love, I'm in the middle of filming. I'll have to ring you back later."~Tom

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to ring you."~Naomi. He ends the call before I can finish as I furrow my eyebrows, shaking it away before calling Summer.


"Shawn Mendes was in fucking asda and I walked into him like it was nothing."~Naomi

"Holy shit, what'd he say?"~Summer

"He called me honey, and then told me my cover of Life Of The Party was really good."~Naomi

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