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Naomi's Outfit

Naomi's Outfit

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July 4th, 2019

Naomi's P.O.V

"Happy Birthday!"~I squeal as Harrison walks into the kitchen.

"You did all this in an hour?"~Harrison laughs as he looks at the decoration.

"Of course I did, and I made you your favourite."~I say and he smiles.

"Pancakes! You're honestly the best."~Haz says as the two of us sit down and eat. Harry was on press tour with Tom and Tuwaine was in NYC with Audrey, so it was just the two of us.

"How're you feeling?"~Haz looks at me with sympathetic eyes.

"A little better, but none of that today, it's your birthday and tonight we're getting sloshed."~Naomi

"Sounds good to me."~Haz says as we high-five.

"How ya' copin' without Tom?"~Haz asks as I sip on my cup of tea.

"The same I usually do, facetime every night and text during the day."~Naomi

"It's shit, but he'll be home soon and you guys will be back to normal."~Haz

"I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid."~Naomi

"Oh please, the amount of adoration he has for you is enough to make him tell every girl in the world to stop looking at him."~Haz laughs softly as I laugh, rolling my eyes.

"You're cheesy."~Naomi

"In all seriousness though, he's been in love with you since he was 15."~Haz

"8 years huh?"~Naomi

"Oh my god, he never fucking shut up about you, even when you were at Uni. He always longed for the day you came back and walked down the street so he could say hi."~Haz

"Y'know I still feel shitty for leaving without saying a word."~Naomi

"We're sorted now, aren't we? Everything's fine, all is forgiven."~Haz smiles as I sigh in relief, a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders as if it had been weighing me down.

"What's your idea of sloshed?"~Haz pipes up after I'd finished doing the dishes.

"I'm not sure, up to you."~Naomi

"We're gonna stay in, put on a film and play shot roulette."~Haz

"Sounds fucking good to me."~Naomi


The two of us sit in the living room, eating Dominos as we watch the news, laughing at stupid things every once in a while as my phone starts ringing. I answer, propping my phone against a cup as Tom's face pops up.

"Hiya love."~Tom

"Hey, gorgeous."~I reply, seeing him sitting in a room with a professional background.

"Happy Birthday Haz!"~Tom

"Thanks mate."~Haz gives him a thumbs-up as I realise we're sat on the floor when there are two perfectly fine couches behind us.

"Are you in an interview?"~Naomi

"Maybe, say hi to the camera."~Tom

"Hello, I look like shit."~I wave as he and I'm guessing Jake, laugh.

"You should be wearing your glasses."~Tom says as I take them from the table and shove them on.


"Much, now you won't go blind."~Tom

"You're one to talk."~I laugh as Haz and I both finish eating.

"What do you want?"~Haz

"Crack us a Kopparberg."~Naomi


"Surprise me."~I say as he nods, taking the pizza boxes away.

"What are you guys up to tonight?"~Tom

"Drinking, watching a dodgy film, shot roulette, the birthday classic."~Naomi

"Of course."~Tom laughs as I rub my eyes under my glasses.

"I'll let you go gorgeous, call me later."~Naomi

"Okay love, see you soon."~Tom says as I end the call. Harrison hands me my beer as I take a swig, smiling at the sensation I've not felt for 7 months before we put on music and start playing our game.


I roll onto my side, absolutely balling with laughter as Harrison laughs too. The two of us are pretty drunk and for sure have spilt three or four types of beer on the carpet, but we were at the giggly stage of the drunk scale.

"Fuck off."~Harrison says as I swat his hand.

"We should go to bed."~Naomi

"Yeah, we can clean tomorrow."~Harrison says and I smile. I make my way upstairs, tripping a few times and earning laughs from Harrison before I make it to my room. My phone buzzes in my room as I pick it up and see Tom's face.

"You're still up?"~Tom

"Yeah, I'm absolutely sloshed love."~I giggle and he smiles.

"Look at you all cute and drunk."~Tom

"It's hot in this room, jeeeeez."~Naomi

"Love it can't be that warm if the window is open."~Tom

"I'm hot."~I wheeze and take my shirt off, leaving me in a pair of shorts and a Calvin Klein bra. I look back down at my phone, Tom's cheeks bright red as I begin to sober up.

"You're still so gorgeous."~Tom

"Glad to know, feeling is mutual."~Naomi. He laughs softly, running a hand through his tousled curls as I smile.

"If you ever shave your hair I'm not gonna walk anywhere with you."~Naomi

"Okay love."~He laughs as I scrunch my nose softly.



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