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Naomi's Outfit

Naomi's Outfit

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May 25th, 2019

Naomi's P.O.V

"And then his tooth fell out."~Tamara

"That doesn't sound nice at all."~I say and she shakes her head.

"I nearly puked."~Tammie says and I laugh.

"I would've."~Naomi

"Of course you would've, you're squeamish."~Mum

"Hence why I didn't stand at the bottom of the bed when you had Isaac."~Naomi

"Lovely image."~Isaac says and we all laugh. The sun was beaming outside, the four of us sat in the backgarden as Alfie plays with my Mum's new dog Rover. I smile as I watch them play, taking another sip of my tea as my Mum and Tamara talk about birth.

"Can you please shush? I'm scarred for life."~Isaac

"You and me both kiddo."~I high-five my younger brother as my mum laughs.

"Should be you soon Naomi."~Mum

"Funny, but not. I'm waiting till I'm at least 25."~Naomi

"Two years?"~Tammie

"Yeah, plus Tom's busy with filming all these films so it's best to just leave it."~Naomi

"I want kids out of you two."~Mum

"We've had a discussion about kids before."~Naomi

You have?"~Mum says and I nod.

"We were just saying that we wanted to wait, and that kids weren't a priority and probably won't be so long as he's with Disney."~Naomi


"I'm not fussed, gives me more time to relax without screaming kids."~Naomi

"What happened to Naomi wants three kids before she's 25?"~Tammie

"Things and people change Tam, and I'm not keen on the thought of kids anymore anyway. I mean, I love Xander, but that's probably the only kid I can tolerate nowadays."~Naomi



"Have you told Tom about not wanting kids?"~Mum

"Yeah, he didn't mind really. He said he'd rather have Tess and Alfie anyway."~I say as the dog jumps onto my lap, practically squishing my legs.

"Do you at least want one?"~Tammie

"Possibly."~I shrug and the two glance at each other.

"Are you pregnant?"~Mum

"Way to call me fat."~Naomi

"Are you?"~Tam

"No, I'm not."~Naomi

"Are you sure?"~Tam

"Yes, I'm sure."~Naomi


"Mum I'm leaking blood as we speak."~Naomi

"TMI!"~Isaac squeals as my Mum hits him with the spatula, wait why the fuck is the spatula outside?

"Okay, we were just wondering."~Mum says as I roll my eyes. My phone buzzes on the table as I look down at it, using my hand to shield myself from the sun as I see the words 'Tom, home and Nikki's.' I squeal, standing up quickly as my Mum, Tammie and Isaac follow me outside. Tom sees me as I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his middle.

"Hey love."~Tom says and wraps his arms around me too. 

"And I got that on video."~I hear Nikki say as Tom keeps hold of me. My ear is pressed against his chest, his heartbeat steady as I look up at him and he looks down at me. He presses his lips to mine as I kiss back with just as much passion as him, giggling when I pull away as he smiles.

"That was cute."~I hear Tammie say as we come back to reality.

"Cup of tea anyone?"~Nikki says and everyone agrees, going inside the Holland home as I go to sit on the table in their yard, only to be pulled onto Tom's lap. He kisses the back of my shoulder, smiling as he rests his head on top of it and holds my hands softly.

"I'm home for a month or so now, don't worry."~Tom says and I smile.

"I also wanted to invite you to the Far From Home premiere."~Tom


"Of course."~Tom says and I kiss his cheek.

"I guess I can arrange it."~Naomi

"Good."~Tom smiles before noticing the cast on my hand.

"How long left?"~Tom

"End of June."~Naomi

"Good."~Tom says again.


I sit in the bathtub, bubbles completely surrounding me as Tom walks into the bathroom.

"Jesus, I forgot you were in here."~Tom says after I'd made him jump.

"Come get in with me."~I frown and he smiles.


"Because I've missed you."~Naomi. He debates it before shutting the bathroom door, undressing him and slotting into the bathtub in front of me as I smile.

"You're effortlessly cute."~Naomi

"You're one to talk."~Tom says as he moves some hair from my face.

"I love you."~Tom

"I love you too."~I say and he reaches forward, pressing his lips to mine as I kiss back without hesitation. He pulls me forward so I'm straddling his hips, my hands in his curls as he pulls my front flush with his.

"I really have fucking missed you."~Tom

"Feelings mutual Holland."~Naomi

And you probably know what happened next...


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