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Naomi's Outfit

Naomi's Outfit

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Summer's Outfit

Summer's Outfit

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January 10th, 2019

Naomi's P.O.V

"Yeah, I'm never getting that drunk again."~Naomi

"You nearly hit your head on the floor."~Summer says as I park the car and we get out.

"I've never drunk so much, and I accidentally told Tom I loved him."~Nims

"Oh my god!"~Summer

"And, if I remember correctly, he said it back."~Nims

"Yesss!"~Summer says and I laugh. The two of us walk inside Westfields and begin making our way to Nando's for dinner as we find a table and order.

"So, what do you think you're gonna have?"~Nims

"I want a boy but Tommy wants a girl."~Summer

"Agh a little boy would be so cute."~Nims

"You want it to be a boy too don't you?"~Summer says and I nod softly.

"If it's not a boy I'll disown."~Nims

"Shut up."~She laughs softly as our food arrives.

"So, how's the house coming along?"~Summer

"Don't you dare even say you didn't explore when we left."~Naomi. She laughs softly, moving some hair behind her ear as I smile.

"I like what you've done in my old room."~Summer

"I like it too, I still miss you being there"~Naomi

"Why? You live with your four best friends."~Summer

"You're my best friend, and I absolutely adore you. I miss coming home and crying to you."~Naomi

"Naomi you've got a whole four boys to do that now."~Summer

"They don't understand feelings. I cried 'cause I dropped my spatula on my toe the other day and they all just laughed."~Naomi

"That is kinda funny."~Summer

"You don't help."~I frown and she frowns too.

"I'm only a phone call away love, and I'm sure if you went home and cried they'd all be concerned."~Summer

"I'm gonna test it out later."~Nims

"Oh god."~She laughs as I smile.


Summer stands staring at all the strollers alone as I walk to the otherside and find the clothes. I soften immediately, seeing all the little clothes and I look at a few. Picking one up, it's a little pair of overalls with Spider-Man on the front and a white T-Shirt. I pick it up in 0-3 months, quickly paying for it and hiding it in my car before going back inside.

"Where'd you disappear to?"~Summer

"Tom rang me."~I say and she nods.

"I'm stumped."~Summer

"That one's kinda cute."~I say and she looks at it.

"I guess, I'll have to come back with Thomas at some point."~Summer

"Ouch, my opinion means nothing now? What has he done to you?"~Naomi

"Be quiet."~She laughs as the two of us browse the clothing. Making sure she doesn't spot the overalls I'd just bought, she walks off and looks at a few gadgets as I text Tom to tell him I'd bought her something for the Gender Reveal. He replies with a smiley face as I follow her around the shop.

"You know Tommy said he was seriously considering asking you to move in with us."~Summer


"Cause I missed you as much as you miss me."~Summer

"Good."~I smile and she rolls her eyes.

"Anyways, short ass, I need to go home soon."~Naomi

"I'm hardly short."~Summer

"4ft 9' is short Summer."~Naomi

"Shhhh."~She says and I giggle.

The two of us make our way back to the car and get in, leaving Westfields. I drive her back to her house before driving home myself. I grab the bag from the boot and walk into the house, flipping my shoes off and walking into the kitchen where all the boys were as they smile at me.

"Hey, you okay?"~Harry says and I nod. Tom greets me with a soft kiss as I put the bag on the counter.

"Look how cute this is."~I say and take it out. They all smile, Tom especially as Tuwaine looks at me.

"How do you know it's a boy?"~Tuwaine

"I have a feeling it will be."~Naomi

"But you don't know."~Harry

"I know it'll be a boy Harry, I know it will be."~Naomi

"Women."~Haz says as I give him the bird.



only short today :(

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