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Naomi's Outfit

Naomi's Outfit

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Tom's Outfit

Tom's Outfit

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December 31st, 2018

Naomi's P.O.V

"Holy fucking shit."~I hear Tom say as I stand up properly.


"Told you not to wear that dress."~Tom

"Oh well."~I smile mischievously as I scrunch my nose up at him.

"You know you're gorgeous right?"~Tom

"I get told 20 times a day love."~Nims

"Good, cause you truly are gorgeous."~Tom says and walks over to me. His hands sit on my waist as he looks down at me, a smile present until presses his lips to mine. I kiss back, hands on his cheeks as he pulls me as close as possible.

"Tom we need to go."~Nims

"I don't care, let us be late."~Tom says and I giggle, biting my lip as I move my hands over his and softly take them off my waist.

"Well, I do."~Nims

"Fuck, can't we just stay home?"~Tom

"I'd rather get shitfaced."~Nims. He frowns as I grab my Tommy Hilfiger jacket and put it on.

"You're a tease."~Tom

"Good."~I smirk before walking out. He follows swiftly as I walk into the kitchen where Summer and Tommy were.

"Thank you again."~Nims

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