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Nim's Outfit

Nim's Outfit

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Tom's Outfit

Tom's Outfit

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October 21st, 2018

Nim's P.O.V

"I'll see you later Sunny."~I call to her before scratching behind Alfie's ears before leaving. I get into the passenger seat of Tom's car as he smiles at me.

"Morning love."~Tom

"You're a lifesaver."~Nims

"That's what Spider-Man tries to be."~He says as I roll my eyes.

"Now you're just lame."~Nims

"Rude."~He says as he starts driving to Westfields.

"What's this for anyway?"~Tom

"My Uni mates wedding is on Halloween."~Nims

"Oooo that's cool."~Tom

"That reminds me, can I ask you something?"~Nims

"You just did."~Tom laughs as I roll my eyes.

"Yeah go on."~He says as he struggles to find a parking spot.

"Will you be my date?"~Nims

"Your date?"~Tom

"For her wedding."~Nims

"Oh, I don't know Nims."~Tom

"Please."~I frown as he looks at me.

"How can I say no to that face?"~Tom frowns as I smile.

Drifted↝Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now