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Nim's Outfit

Nim's Outfit

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November 15th, 2018

Nim's P.O.V

"Alright calm down."~I say as Haz jumps on his new bed.

"This shit is comfy you know?"~Haz

"Good to know Haz."~Tom says as Harry walks in. Yes, we now have Harry and Tuwaine as roommates too.

"Leave the poor girl alone."~Tuwaine says and I smile.

"Thank you Tuwaine."~Nims says as he sits down beside me.

"So, are we ordering Indian and watching films tonight?"~Harry

"I'm sick of Indian food."~I say and they all gasp.

"What? It's repetitive."~Nims

"What shall we eat then?"~Haz

"I'll make something."~Nims

"Oh really?"~Harry

"She's a good cook Harry."~Tom says and he narrows his eyes at me before sighing.


"I'll go start making it then."~I say before standing up. I walk past Tom who was standing in the doorway, feeling his hand squeeze my ass softly as I walk by, swatting his wrist away.

I walk down two flights of stairs, reaching the bottom as Alfie looks up from his bed.

"You can go out."~I say softly, scratching behind his ears before opening the patio doors so he can go outside. He runs out, immediately chasing his own tail as I shut the door behind me and begin making dinner. Boiling the kettle, I make myself a cup of tea and sip on it every so often as the four boys come downstairs and sit at the dining table. I plate them the food I'd just made, watching them all look at me in slight amazement as I finish the rest of my tea and begin eating what I had made.

"Jesus Naomi, where'd you learn to cook?"~Haz

"No idea love."~Nims

As the four finish, I take their plates and begin to wash the dishes as someone drags me away.

"I'll do that, you already made us dinner."~Tom says softly as I smile.

"I'm gonna go get in the bath."~I say to the boys and they all nod. 

After having my very warm and relaxing bath, I walk back downstairs and into the living room where the boys were sat watching Gogglebox. I sit down beside Tom as he smiles at me softly.

"Enjoy your bath?"~Tom says as I nod.

"Must've done if she's gone quiet."~Haz says as I roll my eyes.

"I'm just tired."~Nims

"Why don't you get in bed then?"~Harry

"Cause my bedroom is up four flights of stairs."~Nims

"Poor thing."~Harry pouts as I throw a pillow at him.

"I again question why the fuck I invited Harry to live with us."~Nums

"'Cause I'm Tom's brother."~He smiles as I roll my eyes.

"Quit talking."~Tuwaine says making us all laugh. The five of us go quiet again as Tom's hand rests on my waist, fingers making random shapes as I feel my eyes getting droopy.

"I'm gonna take her upstairs."~Tom says before picking me up over his shoulder.

"See you in the morning."~Haz smiles as Tom takes me upstairs.

"I can walk you know."~Nims

"You're knackered love, I don't mind."~Tom says as he drops me on my bed.

"You don't need to stay upstairs with me."~Nims

"I'm tired as well, it's okay."~He says as I properly get into bed. I roll over and connect my phone to the charger before rolling onto my other side and seeing Tom sitting on the edge of my bed staring at the window.

"You have a nice back."~I say and he laughs.

"Thank you darling."~Tom

"I'm cold, hurry up will you?"~Nims

"Okay, okay."~He says and eventually lies down, pulling the covers over himself as I scrunch my nose.

"You're cute."~Tom

"I know."~I say as he smiles.

"Can I ask you something?"~Tom


"Will you be my girlfriend?"~He asks as I open my eyes to look at his.

"No."~I say with a straight face. He furrows his eyebrows, clearly trying to hide his sadness as I break out in a smile.

"I'm joking."~Nims

"That's not nice."~He says and I laugh.

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend."~Nims

"Good, now c'mere."~Tom says and presses his lips to mine softly. I shuffle forwards, my hand on his chest as his fingertips dig into my waist.

"I'm tired."~I whisper as he wraps his arms around me.

"Let's sleep then."~Tom


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