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Naomi's Outfit

Naomi's Outfit

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December 25th, 2018

Nim's P.O.V

"Merry Christmas kids."~Mum says as I laugh.

"So, Naomi, who's the boyfriend you've been telling everyone about?"~Tam says as I roll my eyes.

"You'll see him later."~Nims

"Why can't we just know already?"~Mum frowns as I giggle.

"It's a surprise."~Nims

"Surprise, you're such a bitch."~Isaac

"Isaac watch your language kid."~Dad scolds my younger brother as I give him the finger.

"I have an idea on who it is."~Mum


"You'll find out later."~Mum says and I laugh.

"Right, kids there's waffles for you."~Mum says to my sister's 2 children and Reece's little girl.

"But Alfie is hungry."~Reece's little girl Emma says as I smile.

"Alfie's just tired."~Reece says and picks her up, sitting her on a chair at the table.

"You lot have pancakes."~Mum says and we all cheer.

"And then you get your presents."~Dad

"We're all in our 20s and you're still buying us presents?"~Reece

"Isaac's 15."~Dad

"Apart from him, he was a mistake."~Reece says and I laugh.

"Not true."~Isaac

"Think about it Isaac, Tamara's 28, I'm 25 and Naomi is 22. You're 15."~Reece

"I hate you all."~Isaac

"We love you too kiddo."~I smile and eat my pancakes.

"Am I actually a mistake Mum?"~Isaac says and causes Reece to choke on his breakfast.

"See what you guys did?"~Mum complains as she hits Reece on the head with a spatula.

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