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Nim's Outfit

Nim's Outfit

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August 15th, 2018

Nim's P.O.V

"C'mon Alfie."~I say and he runs to the front door of my Mum's house. I grab his leash and attach it to his collar, scratching his head softly before opening the door and shutting it behind me. I make sure that his leash is on properly before beginning to walk to the end of the street, a trip I used to make every day before school to meet Tom and Harrison. I move my hair behind my shoulder as I cross the road and walk onto the park, taking off Alfie's lead as I throw his tennis ball across the grass.

Watching him race after it, I smile and remember when he was a little puppy, refusing to give the ball back to anyone when he caught up with it.

"Good boy."~I say when he drops it in front of me. I scratch behind his ears as he sits down, waiting for me to throw it as I do so and begin walking so I wasn't so close to the entrance. Alfie runs back and circles me a few times, dropping the ball at my feet as I throw it as far as I can and he chases after it. My phone starts ringing in my hand as I turn it over and answer.

"Hey Nims, where are you?"~Summer

"I'm at that park near my mum's with Alfie."~Nims

"I thought you would've been, what time are you home tonight?"~Summer

"I'll text you when I set off."~Nims

"Alright, see ya."~Summer

"Byee."~I reply as I realise Alfie hadn't ran back over to me. I look up and see him rolling around, calming me as I walk over and pick up his ball. After walking him around the rest of the park, I put his leash back on and leave, crossing over onto the street I live on as I notice two people stood outside of Tom's parent's house.

"Is that Naomi Evans?"~I hear Nikki say as I smile.

"Hey Nikki."~I smile as she waves at me.

"Oh look at you, you're gorgeous."~Nikki says as Alfie looks up at me.

"Thank you."~I say and realise it was Tom and Haz stood outside her house. Well, shit.

"C'mon boy, we need to get you in the bath."~I say as the dog stands up and begins walking. Easy enough.


"Well, that ended well."~I say and look down at my soaking wet jumper. I take it off, revealing just my dress which was pretty dry as I put my Jumper on the washing line to dry.

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