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Nim's Outfit

Nim's Outfit

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September 20th, 2018

Nim's P.O.V

I sit at the kitchen island at my Mums, as per usual, as I sip on my cup of tea and stare at the cupboards in front of me when my Mum walks in and scares me.

"You're skittish."~Mum

"I know."~Nims

"Harrison's back home now."~Mum


"You apologised to Tom but not Harrison, and you're forgetting Harrison was your first actual friend."~Mum says as I sigh.

"Fine, I'll be back later."~Nims. Mum pours my cup of tea away as I frown before going outside and walking to Harrison's Mum's house. Knocking on the door, I cross my arms over my chest and realise it was kind of cold outside, should've worn a coat.

"Naomi?"~Phil says as I smile.

"Hey Phil, is Haz home?"~Nims

"He's in his room sweetheart."~She smiles and let's me in. I walk past her, going upstairs and knocking on the door, waiting for him to say anything.

"Someone knocked for once, are you-"~He stops talking as he opens the door and notices me.

"Oh."~He says and rolls his eyes. I copy his actions as he walks away from the door and I walk in, shutting it behind me.

"What do you want?"~Haz

"To talk to you."~Nims


"What do you mean why?"~Nims

"You didn't talk before you left did you?"~Haz

"That's why I'm here."~Nims

"Leaving again?"~Haz says sarcastically as I roll my eyes.

"No, I'm here to apologise."~Nims

"Good luck trying to get me to accept it."~Haz

"Quit being an asshole Harrison."~Nims

"I have every damn right to be an asshole to you, Naomi."~Haz says a bit louder than I expected as I breathe out a heavy sigh.

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