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Naomi's Outfit

Naomi's Outfit

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July 1st, 2019

Naomi's P.O.V

"Hey puppy."~I say as Alfie lies beside me. I scratch behind his ears, earning no reaction as I used too as I furrow my eyebrows. He usually starts wagging his tail, enjoying the cuddles he was getting but this time there was nothing. I shake it off as Summer walks in with Tommy and Xander.

"Oooo my favourite little guy is a month old today."~I giggle as she hands me my godson. I hold him softly, a smile on his face as I scrunch my nose up in a cute manner. His finger wraps around my hand as Summer clicks the kettle on.

"Aye, how'd you know I wanted a cup of tea?"~Naomi

"'cause it's you."~Summer says and the two of us laugh.

"Alfie boy, go outside in the sunshine, look at it."~I say softly as he looks up at me and ignores me. 

"What's up with him?"~Summer

"I don't know, he's usually jumping for joy in a morning but he's giving me nothing."~Naomi

"Not even his usual scratch spot?"~Tommy says and I shake my head, demonstrating it.

"How weird."~Summer

"I know."~Naomi.


"Naomi, I don't want to alarm you but I think Alfie is throwing up blood."~Tommy says softly as both Summer and I look at each other. I walk into the kitchen and outside, watching as my poor puppy throws his guts up in short spurts. After he's done, he slowly walks over and whimpers as if he were in pain.

"Maybe we should take him to the vet."~Summer

"Can you pass me his collar?"~I say and she nods. As she hands it to me, I shake it in my hand to see if he will start circling around me but he just collapses at my feet.

"I'll carry him to the car, you drive?"~I say and she nods. I carefully pick him up and put him in the backseat of my car, sitting beside him as Summer drives to the Vets. Xander and Tommy stayed at my house to keep an eye on everything.

"I'm worried."~Naomi

"He'll be fine, it's Alfie."~Summer says reassuringly as she pulls up outside of the vets. I get out and pick Alfie up again, moving him inside as Summer checks us in.

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