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Naomi's Outfit

Naomi's Outfit

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February 15th, 2019

Naomi's P.O.V

"And you're arsed because?"~I ask as Reece sits across from me at my mum's house.

"Just wondering, that's all."~Reece says and rolls his eyes.

"Hm, I bet. How's Rhianne by the way?"~Naomi

"Not talking to me."~Reece

"I wonder why."~Naomi

"No need to rub your perfect relationship in my face, Naomi."~Reece

"You started dating her two weeks after you met Reece."~Naomi


"Tom and I aren't perfect, we've just known each other for 12 years."~Naomi

"Alright, alright."~Reece says and rolls his eyes for the umpteenth time today.

"You two are so passive-aggressive to each other."~Mum says as she walks into the kitchen.

"Tell her to stop rubbing her relationship in my face then."~Reece

"It's all new to Naomi, love, leave her alone."~Mum

"I've had boyfriends before you know."~Naomi

"Serious boyfriends? No, I didn't think so."~Mum says as I finish my cup of tea. My phone starts ringing, almost ringing off the edge of the counter as I catch it just before it hits the floor. I answer, putting my phone to my ear as I hear Tom's laugh.

"Darling, Mum wanted to ask you over for a cup of tea."~Tom says as I look at my empty mug,

"I'll be right over."~Naomi

"I'm going to Nikki's."~I say to my mum before disappearing. Walking to Tom's house, he meets me out front before walking inside.

"Oh, Naomi, hiya love."~Nikki says as I walk into the kitchen.

"Hey Mama Holland."~I say and she smiles as I kiss her cheek.

"What's got you in a delightful mood today?"~Nikki

"I've had three cups of tea in an hour."~Naomi

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