Chapter 1

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Wooyoung POV

It was quiet, oh so quiet as darkness settled upon New York. December had passed and different feelings about the new year were shared, some people walked with their heads hung low, left with the depression of January, another year to get through most thought. Others smiled to themselves at the thought of a fresh start the new year brought. Eventually those people will give up, realise that no amount of change made will mould their pitiful life's into anything but what was there in the beginning. Although, it seems I realised this before I was even born. 

Pulling up the neck of my long black coat I walked down the desolate street, shaking all thoughts currently clouding my mind from my head I ran through the seemingly complex plan one more time. This time it was the CEO of Kang and Han law firm, unfortunately for him one of their little cases got in the way of an important business deal our client had with a certain weapons company. What a pity. Hongjoong was definitely not pleased, although it doesn't take much to irritate the blue haired shorty. Actually that whole sentence would have probably ticked him off, out of all people, I would know. 

I spotted the lawyers house from a mile off, mainly due to its shear size and obvious inability to hide the celebratory party they were having over their newly won case. How naïve of him to believe there would be no repercussions. I walked with certainty in the shadows, undetected and reached the right spot at the side of the house, pulling my mask up and hat down so only my eyes were visible. With my body plastered against the wall I blended into the darkness as I waited for the signal. I didn't have to wait long, I never do. In fact, counting down from ten in my head I had timed the power cut perfectly and even began moving towards the entrance before it had occurred. As I opened the door no sound was made, except for the worried mumbling of the people inside as they hurried to find flashlights, slowly I edged myself through the room towards the location of the lawyer. Bingo. He was stood alone in the kitchen, clutching a cheese knife in one hand, just where Yunho said he would be. Although, I don't think Yunho has ever gotten a piece of information wrong, he moves silently and is often away for days watching people, attaining the right data. He knows how vital it is that everything runs smoothly. Although I could barely make out the lawyer and he almost certainly couldn't see me, his body trembled, small pugnacious eyes darting around wildly. If it hadn't been for the circumstance I would have smiled at his clear uselessness, instead, I slid around the back of him, still against the wall as I unsheathed two daggers from either side of my back. Now, I stood just half a meter away so that I could feel his hot shaky breaths against what skin I actually had showing. He had finally found a candle and lit it with sausage fingers trembling, I moved a lot closer, to the point where when he pulled the candle in front of his face I could see the terror in his eyes when he saw me. 

"Boo" I whispered, swiftly blowing it out. Before he screamed I had whirled around in one swift motion, as practiced thousands of times, and was now left facing the opposite wall smirking as the sickening thud of his now decapitated head hitting the floor echoed around the room. "Wooyoung quit smirking and get your ass back here". My smirk widened to a grin as I whirled around, spotting the camera hidden in the shadows. I winked at Hongjoong, who had been watching me closely throughout my mission in case of mishaps, not that there ever was any.

I silently jumped out of the window and made my way to the black Mercedes waiting at the entrance, as I did the lights began to switch on and the screams began when the people had clearly found his decapitated body in the middle of the kitchen, cheese knife bloodied in one hand, poor guy, that must have been a messy death. Yunho didn't flinch or acknowledge me as I slipped into the seat next to him, his face set in a straight line forward as he started the engine and began to drive away. 

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