Chapter 14

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Wooyoung POV

When I woke up I observed my surroundings, I was in the middle of a large dark room. The metallic rattling that occurred when I attempted to move my arms brought my attention to the thick metal chains strapping me down, all around. I could hardly move an inch. Then the events from before I passed out came flooding back to me.

It suddenly became harder to breath as the realisation dawned upon me, I'm going to be interrogated. However, I hadnt failed to notice the small camera on the front of my suit, I had turned it off before I passed out as I thought the guards might have noticed the tiny red light on its side. But now, I pulled my hand towards it with all the strength I could muster, my arm shook violently but the camera turned on with an almost silent click. They should be able to see where I am now, a part of me wants to believe that they will come to my rescue, the other part knows there's no hope left for me.

Then I heard it again, the familiar hissing sound the gas made as it entered the room. The high pitched ringing began and no matter how hard I strained against the chains, how loud I screamed in protest, I knew I could not fight it, I didn't have the strength left. So I just let it happen, praying to god that my mind is able to distinguish between fiction and reality when the gas wears off. 

I immediately regretted my decision to not fight against it as soon as I saw them, standing together in front of me, we were all standing in the training room. 6 of them and me, Hongjoong, Seongwha, Mingi, Jongho, Yeosang, Yunho. No, there not real, they are not standing there. Why did you have to pick them, just leave my memories of them alone. Please

"Why Wooyoung?" Hongjoong spoke coldly, "why did you lie to us, you betrayed all of us." Mingi chimed in, "your our enemy, you always have been." 

No, no I'm not, I fought beside all of you, you know I wouldn't betray you. This is not real. There insults continued as they stepped closer. My mind began slowly slipping away as it questioned what was really happening. Maybe they are really here, maybe this is really them. They are right, I'm a liar, I betrayed them. I'm sorry, I couldn't tell you, I didn't want to risk putting you in danger if the boss ever found out. I'm sorry.

Then they were gone, I was back in reality, still chained down, the cold sweat down my back made me shiver and a familiar sick feeling entered my stomach.

But when I heard his voice, the bile rose to my throat and I really thought I was going to throw up then and there.

"I trusted you Wooyoung. With me life." San spoke, disbelief evident in his voice as he stood alone in front of me in the dark. "You can still trust me San." "Can I? Your lies and deceit, how could you do that to us, to me. You're the son of the white blood clan leaders. Your my enemy Wooyoung." "I'm not San, please don't do this to me, I have no one left." "A part of me really believed in you, it still does." 

Am I still hallucinating. No, I don't think so, I had control over my speech, the ringing in my ears was over. He was really here in front of me. 

"Wooyoung, I'm going to give you one last chance to prove your on our side, not their's." "Anything, I'll do anything, just let me show you that you can trust me, I only lied to protect you, I promise."

 San walked cautiously towards me, unlocking the chains that bound me. Before he stepped back, keeping his distance. "San, why are you moving away from me, you know I promised that I would never, could never hurt you."

"I don't think anyone can trust your words Wooyoung."

What? I grabbed my head with both hands, shaking it, is this real? Before i spoke with gritted teeth, "Where are the others San?" "They are waiting outside, they didn't want to come, but I made them."

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