Chapter 2

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Yeosang POV

Slowly does it, easy, easy. I was nearly finished wiring the final pieces of the gas bomb the boss had requested for Wooyoung and Yunho's recent mission, just need to connect the last two wires and I'll be done. "YEOSANG, DO YOU KNOW WHERE HONGJO......" 

"I swear to god Mingi I would've gassed you with this bomb IF YOU HADN'T JUST MADE ME MESS IT ALL UP." Mingi stood sheepishly at the door, head held down "sorry, I was just wondering if you knew where he was." I sighed deeply and pushed myself back in my chair, rubbing my forehead. Jesus, it's like this guy wants to get a beating. Normally I would just start again, but it was already 11:00pm and I recently received a text from Yunho that they were loading the car and needed the bomb. Pushing myself up from the chair I walked swiftly to my wardrobe, punching a code in before grabbing the necessary bomb, yes, I have spares in case a mistake occurs, and yes, Mingi is definitely a mistake. 

"You know people usually keep clothes in a wardrobe, not gas bombs." If looks could kill then Mingi would be dead, fortunately for him I was a lot weaker and in a fight probably didn't stand a chance against his height. Although that doesn't mean the thought never crossed my mind before, a casual laser pen that shocks him to death or even a cheeky nuclear bomb in his bed, the thought of it just made me smile. "Yeosang, can you hear me?" 

"What, yeh, I'm going down to give this to Wooyoung." "Okay, you looked like you were deep in thought then, what were you thinking about?" He asked, genuinely curious, he definitely wouldn't be curious if I told him, casually I responded, calling out as I entered the elevator to the 2nd floor. "Oh, you know. This and that."

When I arrived at the 2nd floor I couldn't see Yunho, but Wooyoung was speaking to the boss on the other side of the car. Why was he here? I think I have only actually seen him twice in my life so I decided it must be important and being the sort of person I am I also decided to subtly listen in while they hadn't seen me. So, I'm no expert in blending into the shadows like Wooyoung or Yunho, but I know enough to sneak up to other side of the car undetected, although I'm not convinced Wooyoung didn't see me as he can hear a pin drop, inside a madhouse. 

"Wooyoung, I can assure you it will work, as long as the others are kept in the dark about it,"   "but I don't understand why I cant tell them sir, this whole thing sounds wrong, I'm not going through wi..." "Wooyoung, your not really in the position to argue, are you?" 

Dammit I couldn't hear the rest, probably because I could see the boss's shadow come closer to Wooyoung's ear. What is that all about? I scrunched up my nose as I sat back behind the car deep in thought, waiting for the boss to leave, he sounded angry at Wooyoung, but he hasn't done anything wrong I think, actually it sounded more like he was being sent on a mission.

Upon hearing the boss leave through the elevator I exhaled a long, held in breath, something tells me it wouldn't have been good for me if I was found. Just as I was preparing to act as if I hadn't been there the whole time I was thrown harshly against the wall, dagger at my throat as Wooyoung's eyes bore straight into mine. 

"Jesus Wooyoung you scared m.." "What did you hear?" He spoke harshly and hurried, almost as if he was, he was never scared. "I didn't hear anythi..." "I heard you from a mile away Yeosang answer the god damn question." Damn it I knew he heard me. "Nothing I could understand anyway," he searched my eyes frantically checking if I had spoken the truth, then released his hold on me. I would have questioned him further but I was already too afraid of the look that painted his face, a look he had never worn before, I honestly couldn't tell what it was. 

So I hurriedly passed on the bomb as Yunho entered, "thanks Yeosang" he spoke as he walked casually towards me, Wooyoung on the other hand looked like he was itching to leave. I nodded my head, still shaken from my previous conversation with Wooyoung. When Yunho walked past to get into the car Wooyoung pulled me harshly towards him and whispered, "if you mention this to anyone that knife wont only be against your throat, it'll be through it." But before he could turn to get in the car I spoke quietly, "just tell me one thing," hesitantly he nodded his head before I continued, "Why won't he let you tell us about the mission?" 

Silence spread between us for what seemed like forever before he spoke, so quietly I almost couldn't make it out. "Isn't it obvious Yeosang?" 

Then he left, honestly so god damn mysterious all the time. With that the car was out of the drive house and on it's way to their missions destination.

I replayed that sentence hundreds of times through my head all night. But I just couldn't make sense of it, and if I, the smartest guy here can't understand it, then its not that freaking obvious is it Wooyoung? That didn't stop me feeling uneasy about it for the next few days, I think it was mainly to do with his reaction, I couldn't put my finger on it but I know I have never seen him act like that before. 

San's voice pulled me out of my thoughts "Yeosang, Hongjoong needs you in the surveillance room to help watch Wooyoung and Yunho," hurriedly I pulled myself up from the couch I was slouched in and made my way to the elevator, shaking all thoughts about my previous encounter I entered the room and took the usual seat next to Hongjoong, who didn't acknowledge me at all, then again he never really acknowledged anyone. 

Wait, that's when it hit me. Earlier at dinner Hongjoong spoke kindly to Wooyoung, well as kind as he gets anyway, and he never does that. Does Hongjoong know something? But before I could put anymore thought into it I was pulled back to reality by the large screen in front of me that now portrayed Wooyoung's vision from the camera on his coat. I heard Hongjoong groan beside me and I turned to see what the problem was, "Jesus Wooyoung your choosing this time to sleep, hey, wake up. YA, WOOYOUNG." The camera attached to his coat shook before he responded "what? I'm awake Hongjoong keep it down." Hongjoong snorted next to me "sure you were." 

"Yunho, did Wooyoung give you the bomb and have you set the timer on it" I questioned. "Yes and yes" he responded, clearly a lot more awake then the hormonal teenager next to him. "Good, both of you are clear on the plan right?" Hongjoong spoke, "when have I ever not been" the hormonal teenager answered, "my god can a person get any more sarcastic" I whispered, but of course Wooyoung being Wooyoung, he heard me. "No, no they can't Yeosang," "clearly" Yunho chimed in. 

"All of you, focus, this one is important, you don't want to face the boss if you mess it up, do you?" Hongjoong scolded us, although it seemed very much aimed at Wooyoung, confirming my suspicion that Hongjoong knows something we don't. From the side of Yunho's camera I could visibly see Wooyoung stiffen for a second before returning to a slumped state in his seat. "Yeh yeh, whatever," he brushed it off, as he always does. But it was clear from Hongjoong and Yunho's reaction out the corner of Wooyoung's camera that they saw it too, the momentary slip in his façade, that was very unlike Wooyoung, but it seemed to be happening more and more every day which definitely meant something was up. 

Wooyoung can threaten me all he likes, I'm going to figure it out, eventually. 

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