Chapter 11

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Seongwha POV

I finally arrived at the doorstep of his house. I could hear laughter from inside suggesting that he was not alone, but that didn't matter anyway I never thought he would be. His name was Kim Sungho, he was the guard from the party last night and the man who ruined my life 10 years ago.

Banging on the door with my fist I waited for a response, and then I can finally take my revenge. I didn't hesitate for even a second, as soon as his face graced my vision my fist collided straight on his nose, knocking him to the ground. Next, I heard the shouts of his fellow guards as they caught on and began rushing forward to stop me, however when I pulled my gun out and held it to Sungho's head they immediately halted their movements. The only thing that could be heard was the audible sound of my hand shaking against the trigger and Sungho's laughter ringing through the room. 

"Seongwha don't kid yourself, if you kill me you'll be torn to pieces."

"I know."


"Ah Seongwha, its only taken you 10 years, what's been holding you back so long," he spoke carelessly. "Shut up Sungho." Something feels wrong, Sungho's face was much too calm with a gun to him.

Suddenly, pain exploded from the back of my head and I was kicked to the floor so violently that the scream became lodged in my throat. "Do you think the black blood's would even notice if we killed him considering how hopelessly useless he is." They laughed and I could feel the hot tears running down my face. 

God, at least make it quick if your going to do it. "I would kill you quickly, but I was already bored before you came, so I think i'll have some fun with you first." If I was still standing my knees would have given way underneath when he started towards me. I found myself reliving those moments from years ago and subsequently more tears streamed down my face. "Please no, please just kill me, PLEASE."

"I'm going to give you five seconds to get your filthy hands off of him before I stick this dagger down your throat."

Hongjoong? What are you doing here? He spoke desperately, "Seongwha, what were you thinking coming here." As I looked around I saw Sungho and his friends with knives to their throats by Yeosang, Yunho, Jongho, Mingi and Hongjoong. Standing I walked towards Sungho who had Hongjoong's knife by his throat and I held my gun up to his head. Before I had the chance to take my revenge Hongjoong spoke quietly, "stop." 

Are you kidding? I stopped, finger still resting on the trigger but I allowed Hongjoong the chance to continue. "Seeing as Seonghwa will never tell me what happened 10 years ago, your going to." Sungho looked up to me grinning "it would be my pleasure." 

Absolutely not. I froze in fear as the room turned silent, only the sound of my heavy breathing could be heard as the anger built up inside. "Poor little Seongwha here entered a street he should not have been wandering down at god knows what hour, he had to be taught a lesson.." 

"Get to the point" Hongjoong tightened his grip on Sungho's collar pushing the knife further into his throat until a small trail of blood began to fall down his neck. I felt my hand begin to shake as I held the gun, strong grip never faltering. 

"Fine, me and my friends here raped him until he passed out." He spoke so matter of factly.

Silence, except for the quiet sob that escaped my mouth, laughing he continued "his screams were pathetic and I must admit he really didn't last long before he collapsed, honestly he wasn't as much fun as I hoped he would..."

Then his head rolled onto the floor with a sickening thud as Hongjoong decapitated it clean off of his body, swiftly the others did the same to his friends. The gun I held in my hands began firing randomly into Sungho's body until no more bullets remained and the gun was ripped out of my hands by Jongho. My vision started blurring as I saw Hongjoong in front of me, the anger apparent on his face was the last thing I saw before blacking out.

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