Chapter 13

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Wooyoung POV

"Fuck," I knew it, it's a trap. 

My legs sprinted straight for the door as soon as I heard it begin to close. But it had bolted shut before I even got halfway across the room. Still, I ran towards it, feeling across the cool iron for a switch, any way out. But to no avail. 

Then the unfamiliar sound from earlier got louder, and I finally figured out what was happening. 

They were gassing me. With what, I do not know, but it will become apparent soon I'm sure. All I knew at the moment was that it was clear, odourless, but it gave off heat. Soon my body was coated in a thin sheen of sweat, beads of it dripped slowly down the side of my face, but I couldn't remove my hat or mask, they can't know who I am. 

They are going to find out anyway Wooyoung

Screw it. I ripped the mask and hat off, tossing them to the ground beside. I needed to figure out what gas it is in order of having any chance to prevent its side effects. It wasn't a fast gas, it was slow, odourless, hot, colourless. I ran through the properties in my head before it clicked when I heard the faint ringing in my ears.

No, no, NO.

I knew what gas it was, it was a gas that we hadn't even managed to get our hands on yet.

People called the gas le cintreuse de réalité. It was french for the bender of reality.


Because it made the victim hallucinate past memories in a vivid way, including all five senses. It could also create hallucinations from just feeding on the fears inside your head. It drove people to death, but it was mostly used as a torture method, a way to get information out of someone.

For the first time in my life, 

I was so fucking scared. 

Turning back towards the door I pounded on it with both fists until blood run down my hands, marking the iron door. "No, no, no, open the door, OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR." To no avail. I felt the effects of the gas begin to take a hold as I dropped to my knees, the high pitched ringing in my ears just kept increasing, getting louder and louder as I kept on thrashing randomly at the door, my face and hands were wet with blood and sweat but I didn't stop fighting.

Until I heard her voice.


My heart stopped, I turned my body around to see the interior of my old living room, from when I was 8.

Standing in the middle of it was Seo-yeon. My younger sister.

A single tear ran down my cheek as I stood, walking towards her, she spoke again, "good luck Wooyoung, you'll do great."

"Good luck for what? Seo-yeon" "The initiation silly."

 What initiation? Wait, no, not that day, no, its not real. I felt myself begin to panic, I'm hallucinating, this has already happened Wooyoung, you cant change it, just block it out

"Are you ready?" My mother strode into the room, my younger brother, Joon, in her wake. No, No, I'm not. But instead I spoke "yes." Your not in control Wooyoung, fight it. But I couldn't. My mother smiled coldly before handing me two daggers, the same two daggers I carried with me today. "Good." As soon as their cold metal touched my hands the guards surrounded us in a tight circle, within which my mother had now stepped out of. Just me, Joon and Seo-yeon stayed inside of it. "Your test is simple Wooyoung." My brows furrowed in confused as I innocently looked up towards my own mother and she spoke. 

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