Chapter 5

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So that was the bang I heard last night on my way back to my room, his knuckles had turned a dark purple and looking into his eyes right now I saw something, unusual to say the least. Clearly, no one else could see it but I could. Confusion, uncertainty. But about what I do not know. 

The boss spoke to him harshly, but all I could think was how badly I needed to know what was going on with Wooyoung lately, this made me confused too, why do I care? However, my attention was soon taken away by Hongjoong who spoke calmly, "sir, why are you here?" "Why else would I be here Hongjoong," "there's a new mission?" "Yes, it's different this time though," I saw Seongwha perk up immediately.

You see Seongwha is much less skilled in fighting, most of the time he uses guns, not daggers. It's too obvious sometimes that he feels left out as everyone goes on missions, but he stays back. Seongwha speaks, trying to sound monotonous but clearly failing, "how?" 

"No weapons shall be used, this is purely an undercover mission, and San is head of this case, along with Seongwha." 

Really? I cocked my head in confusion, why am I head of this case when I have never been head of a case before. "Sir, what does this case entail?"

Another strange thing to add to the list of strange things that have occurred today was Wooyoung's reaction as the boss spoke the location and purpose of this mission.

"The mission is to get information from the head of the white blood gang, then someone else will carry you out the raid." 

"Who?" I found myself asking. "That's none of your concern." 

Before I could even utter another word Hongjoong silently told me to shut the hell up. So I did. Instead I stared at Wooyoung, who was finding the food on his plate extremely interesting right now, a clear indicator that he knew something. That's just another thing to add to the list I'm going to get out of him. One way or another.

But for now me and Seonghwa have to prepare for this mission, and I'm hoping it goes smoothly and all, clearly it's important to the boss therefore it has to be important to me.

Seonghwa POV

Finally, a mission I can actually take part in. The boss had previously briefed Hongjoong, therefore Hongjoong had just finished briefing us.

The mission was exactly me and San's type of mission, we are going undercover to a party the white bloods are throwing, so we will need to be very undercover, although no one has ever seen our faces or hair before as we wear masks and hats. 

The best part is that I'm in charge of everyone's disguise, the boss's exact words were, "make them look completely opposite to what they actually are." This should be fun. And looking at the glances exchanged around the room everyone was beyond pissed and not looking forward to it. But what can I say, you leave me to make food everyday and do your laundry, there's gotta be some sort of payment. Don't you think?

Hongjoong POV

You've got to be kidding me.

Layed out on my bed was one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen on this earth. Taking one breath in and letting it out I shut my eyes and... 


That's it. I couldn't contain myself and the shout now echoed down the halls. Followed by multiple footsteps and before I knew it San, Yunho and Mingi all stood next to me in confusion as they stared at the disguise, if you could even call it that. "Hongjoong what's the problem?" Seongwha entered my room too, stood across from me his arms were crossed in front of him. "Seongwha, if you think for one second that I am putting this on then you are greatly mistaken." 

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