Chapter 4

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Wooyoung POV

I had to leave, I don't know why, I just did. After me and Yunho had returned from the mission, Hongjoong was waiting obediently for us in the lounge. With one hand he twirled his long blue braid around his finger and didn't so much as glance up at us when he spoke, "Nice job, get the weapon to the boss, Wooyoung you are dismissed, I want to talk with Yunho." This time he did look up, a few seconds passed as hongjoong stared silently into Yunho's eyes, I just decided to leave after that, no point in sticking around. 

Finally, my hands untied the black mask still trapping my face as I leaned back against the wall. Now, the only thing on my mind was sleeping, relaxing, basically nothing. Although, before I had the chance to retreat to my room I heard a muffled sound coming from the training quarters. "Why won't it mother fucking work," San? Before I knew it my feet were taking me unwillingly towards that room. Why? Because I want to see him fail. Not because I want to see him.

As soon as I turned the corner into the room I paused, taking in the sight in front of me. Jet black hair streaked with red stuck to his forehead much like the long sleeve black turtleneck clung to his muscles. Stop....I shook my head ferociously, before I allowed him the chance to turn around and realise I was standing there staring, I did the first thing that my mind could think of doing in that situation, I threw my dagger at him. 

Well, not at him, at the target relatively close to him. "Wooyoung, its okay for you too show off, just as long as it doesn't include shaving off my ear." Thank god he didn't see me, wait, why do I care, hang on I need to answer him. 

"Whoops' I smirked. The rest of the conversation didn't matter to me, although I remember saying "yes" a lot. Before I knew it San's face disappeared from view as he turned, in attempt, to throw the dagger again. However hard I tried to prevent my eyes from venturing, I found myself scanning his body. How his arm flexed upon pulling the dagger back, the way his eyes bore intently into his target and I find myself praying to god that those eyes never meet mine in such a way. 

"Your feet are spread too wide." Why are you helping him? You never help anyone, as I watched the confusion bloom across San's face I decided to not give him a chance to see the apparent confusion on mine and swiftly grabbed the dagger in his right hand, aiming it. I definitely spoke to him before the dagger hit home on the target, although I have absolutely no idea what I said. My mind was too preoccupied with the sound of San's breath hitching due to surprise, and the intoxicating scent his body gave off.....

The next thing I knew my bedroom door was shut, forehead resting against the cold wood. What is wrong with me? What the fuck was that? 

It doesn't matter, I don't care, 

yes you do

"NO I DON'T'. My voice resonated around the room, fist making contact with the wall.

I told you. 

"Shut up', it was only then did I feel the wetness dripping down my knuckles, onto the floor. Pulling my hand up to the light I examined it, deducing it was only minor, the bruising wouldn't last long after it had been cleaned. A wet cloth did the trick as I wiped all remaining blood from the scene and shrugged on a loose black shirt and pants. Fortunately, it was already dark again outside and the bed physically reached out towards me. I slunk into bed, pulling the sheets up high, before realising I was still burning hot from my previous encounter with someone, and pushed them off of me in frustration. After a long battle against my thoughts I managed to succumb to a few long needed hours of sleep.

Eventually waking due to the crack of light entering my room through a gap in the curtains and the smell of Seongwha's cooking. Rolling over I checked the clock on my bedside table, 6:30am, dear god Seongwha how early does a person need to have breakfast. 

Slowly I arose from the bed I so desperately wanted to crawl back into and changed. Black shirt with a jacket and leather pants, mask in one pocket gaze travelled to my hand and I found myself re living the events of last night. It looked worse then I thought it would, purple bruising covered my knuckles, although the cuts were mostly sealed it was definitely noticeable. Therefore, I pulled on my black gloves we use for missions and headed out to breakfast. However I wasn't prepared for what I saw when I turned the corner to the dining room. 

Hongjoong was no longer at the head of the table, the boss was. Instinctively my feet halted before reaching the long wooden table, "nice of you to finally join us Wooyoung," Hongjoong spoke between gritted teeth, clearly unamused, as was everybody else. Um, what the fuck. Quietly sitting down I glanced down the table to see everyone focused on the food in front of them, waiting for someone to say something, anything. 

Okay then, i'll start. "To what do we owe this pleasure sir." My voice came out a lot weaker then I would have liked but he still glanced up and responded, however I was hardly paying attention after remembering the news he had given me the last time we spoke.


"A week from now Wooyoung the mission will be yours, and yours alone. "It works better if there is someone else sir, a distraction." 

"Wooyoung you will be the distraction, there will be no fighting necessary unless you come across anyone unexpected, which you wont."

 Something is not right about this, your right he's lying, no he's not, stop being a child Wooyoung. "Wooyoung, I can assure you it will work, as long as the others are kept in the dark about it," that's why its wrong  "but I don't understand why I cant tell them sir, this whole thing sounds wrong, I'm not going through wi..." "Wooyoung, your not really in the position to argue, are you?"

"Your right sir, when will I carry out the raid." "One week from now, stay quiet or you will regret it, okay." The look upon his face portrayed he was definitely not lying. With that he was gone, however I know I have already lied to him about not telling anyone, I saw Yeosang enter the room as we spoke. I won't tell him anything. For the mission, but I can't stop him from trying to find out, you want him to find out, no I don't, yes you do.

Present time

"Wooyoung, I said no gloves at the table, take them off," Seonghwa spoke monotonously, obviously just as disconcerted as I am about this appearance of the boss. Hongjoong's eyes bore into the side of my head, silently willing me to obey. Now everyone's eyes were on me instead of the food, how wonderfully shitty. Pulling the gloves off I continued to stare straight at the wall in front of me, hands now balled into relaxed fists either side of my plate. 

No one moved a muscle, except for San who's head was tilted to one side in confusion. 

My eyes moved straight towards his and the intense staring match began and continued as the boss questioned me. "Wooyoung, care to explain," I didn't answer. Um, no thank you I want to eat and forget that any of this happened, but he was not letting me off that easy.

"That wasn't a question, it was an order."

"I accidentally punched a wall." Well fuck, wasn't that just the crappiest excuse you could think of. However san's eyes were still baring into mine, and so was everyone else's. The silence continued until San finally narrowed his eyes and gave up, beginning to eat. So did everyone else. So did I. 

But that is definitely not the last time I'll be hearing about this.

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