Chapter 28

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Yunho POV 

Me and Mingi stood watching San and Wooyoung silently, neither wanting to ruin the moment which both of them so desperately deserved. I could see Mingi's smile growing as I whispered smugly, "took them long enough."

However, I couldn't let this moment last forever as Hongjoong had finally figured out who it is that planted the bomb outside the car, consequently making Seongwha lose his memories..... I felt a frown spread across my forehead as I thought about it, Seongwha definitely didn't deserve this. 

"Wooyoung, I'm sorry to ruin the mood but, Hongjoong found out who bombed the car and he wants everyone there to explain the situation so we can devise a plan for our next move." Wooyoung and San turned towards me, silently nodding before following after me and Mingi into the mission room where Hongjoong sat, waiting, in front of the multiple screens. 

Hongjoong POV 

Taking a long, slow breath I played the CCTV footage in half speed, pointing out exactly where I saw him. The man who planted the bomb. The man who destroyed Seongwha's memories.

Although I knew he was probably under orders to do so, I still felt an immense hatred for him. I had a deep, burning desire to rip his head from his body, and watch as the blood rapidly left his body.  

The man used to work with us, however a few days ago he had left work abruptly, without a word. Probably because he failed his mission and the boss kicked him out, yes, I know the boss wasn't originally aiming for Seongwha, because, well, why would you. The bomb was most likely meant to finish Wooyoung off after his previous plan failed. 

"So he is the reason Seongwha lost his memories?" Jongho spoke, cautiously. "Yes." I responded through gritted teeth, "and I'm going to find him. And kill him."

"Who, hang on Hongjoong, he was under orders from the boss okay, it is not entirely his fault." San interjected. Well fuck that, "he could've said no, left work, but he was a coward right?" 

"A coward who needs to learn that his actions have consequences." 

No one objected to that. 

But, when I found myself standing outside apartment 132 of an old broken down motel in a random village I didn't even know the name of, I knew what the main reason was for me being there. It wasn't about putting a coward in his place.

I gently knocked on the door, no one answered and I was not about to wait for them too, which is why the door was now unhinged on the floor in front of me. My fingers lightly traced the blade of the dagger before running it menacingly along the wall, leaving behind scratches in the wood, not that it would matter to him in a bit anyway. From the quiet whimpering I heard from the corner of the room I could tell he knew someone would come for him.

There was only one thought in my mind as my dagger found it's target, over and over again into the pleading man's chest. 

How unfortunate that you just so happened to almost blow up the man I love. And because of that, he may never love me back.

I don't know how long I sat crouched in the dark corner of my bedroom once I had returned, the tears slipping out the corners of my eyes so effortlessly seemed to merge all the seconds into minutes into hours as my mind, at some point, gave into the welcoming beckon of sleep I so desperately needed. 

My mind had been so drowned in the feeling of emptiness that I didn't even notice the shadow of a man standing silently, observing me from the door, as I slipped into a deep sleep. 

Seonghwa POV 

Although it would be normal to feel sad upon seeing someone sobbing so devastatingly in front of you, only anger seeped out of my body. Anger that was directed towards myself. 

I should be comforting him, hugging him, telling him everything will turn out okay. But I don't even know who he is. 

And the fact I don't physically hurts me.

Everyone in this place has talked to me for hours and hours, attempting to wake up some sort of memory that would job my mind into remembering everything, but nothing ever works. However the man in front of me makes me feel so many things a person can't feel after having just met someone yet he is the only who hasn't tried talking to me.

Deep inside I long for him to speak, knowing he is the only one capable of retrieving my memories. Which makes the fact he won't talk to me ten times more frustrating.

After taking once last glance at his sleeping figure I gently pull the door too, quietly walking towards what is apparently my bedroom. On the way I see someone with black hair, highlighted by red streaks throughout and I can't help but let the words slip from my mouth. 

"Why is he crying?"

The man, who has told me his name is San spoke quietly too, "someone he should've been able to trust did something..." San paused slightly before continuing "something terrible to someone who really, out of everyone it could've happened to, didn't deserve it. That person was someone, although he won't admit it, that he can't live without." 

By the way San had been staring me down throughout his whole explanation it really didn't take a genius to figure out who the awful thing happened to.

I think before responding, slowly and cautiously, "it's me isn't it, the one he can't live without." San let out a deep sigh before walking straight past, but I wasn't done yet so I continued to speak, and he stopped suddenly in his tracks upon hearing me.

"I don't even know his name, yet whenever I see him my heart feels as if it's being ripped from my chest whenever I think about a life where he's not there." 

"That's because your remembering." San spoke with his back faced to me. "Please, San. Why won't anyone at least tell me his name." He paused before answering, as if he was contemplating why himself. "Because Yeosang said that you need to remember it on your own, that you are most likely to remember his name and when you do there is a chance it could trigger other memories to return." 

Even though I didn't like not knowing, he was right, I had to figure this one out on my own. Somehow.

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