Chapter 29

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Hongjoong POV 

Its been three weeks. Three weeks with no missions, and therefore three weeks with absolutely nothing to do. Usually this would be a welcome break for all of us, one with which we would be extremely grateful for, however, this break felt more suffocating then the masks we are required to wear on missions. 

Everyone had visited Seongwha, at least twice for a long chat about, well, not much really since he had nothing to chat about. I know, and so does he, that we should speak to each other, Yeosang keeps reminding me daily that his memories could be jogged by someone who he knew almost better then himself. I want to talk to him, I so desperately need Seongwha back but what if he didn't know me as well as everyone let's on. What if I talk to him and nothing happens, just like when I saw Seongwha that first night after the accident. 

A muscle in my back cracks stupidly loud when I stand up, causing me to wince and my hands find their way to my temple, massaging either side in an attempt to prevent a pounding migraine I had received. Usually I only get migraines when I think too much, and over the past few weeks they have become a common occurrence. 

"Hongjoong. Hongjoong where the fuck are you." Mingi's disturbingly loud voice interrupted my thoughts, reminding me that I had five missed calls from Yeosang who was probably looking for me. I think I know why Yeosang called, which is exactly why I hid away in my room and ignored those calls. 

"Jesus, there you are" Mingi spoke, looking slightly out of breath, "Do you know how many times Yeosang has calle..." "Five times, I know, I was on my way to see him now Mingi" The look on Mingi's face suggested how much bullshit he knew I was speaking. "He called you 2 hours ago Hongjoong, and I guarantee, no matter how unfit you are, it wouldn't take more then 5 minutes to circle our whole apartment if you crawled. So stop stalling and go talk to Yeosang" 

Mingi was right, I was being pathetic in this moment, and once I realised that my body had subsequently shoved past Mingi's and made it's way towards Seongwha's room, where I knew Yeosang would be. Without hesitation I threw the door open, ignoring Seongwha's startled figure from the corner of my eye, turned to Yeosang and spoke sharply "you called me five times, therefore if this isn't extraordinarily important you are doing the dishes for five days." Obviously Yeosang being Yeosang just rolled his eyes at my clearly un-intimidating threat before standing and meeting my eye line. "It depends", he replied. "On what?" I urged Yeosang to continue quickly so I could leave this suffocating situation where Seongwha's eyes practically bared holes into my side. 

"It depends on wether Seongwha is extraordinarily important to you? Or not?" I somehow knew this was the reason Yeosang had called me, that doesn't mean I wasn't startled by his straight forward question. While my mind clearly said yes, of course, he is the most important thing in this world to me, I found myself dodging the question in real life. "Yeosang, if you would please just tell me, in a straight forward way, why I'm here, then I'll shorten it to 3 days of dishes okay?" He scoffed before continuing, "I mean, I thought that question was pretty up front but okay. I'm going to stand outside of this door for one hour while you talk to Seongwha." 


"Your not exactly the best line of security Yeosang." I spoke through gritted teeth, only to be greeted by Wooyoung's smirk as he poked his head around the corner of the door. "I know, that's why I brought Wooyoung with me.

Knowing inside that I had exhausted all of my options, and put this off for long enough, I slouched into the chair opposite Seongwha. Waving my hands carelessly behind me I shooed Yeosang away and let out a small sigh upon being greeted by an uncomfortable silence. I still felt Seongwha's gaze on me, but I never let my own eyes meet his, afraid that once I take a look I'll never be able to avert my eyes. 

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