Chapter 23

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San POV 

We have been sat down eating in silence for 10 minutes now. If this isn't the most awkward meal we've ever had then I don't know what is.

Eventually Mingi's persistent eye contact towards Hongjoong got too annoying for him to handle, "Wooyoung, how are you?"

Oh god Hongjoong, could you be anymore obvious, I don't think he's ever said those words to Wooyoung. Ever. Due to this, I hear Yunho choke on a carrot next to me and my eyes meet his in a deadly staring match, he got the message and soon turned away. That message being if he doesn't shut the fuck up in the next 3 seconds then I'll make him. Surprisingly Wooyoung responded "I would be better if you didn't send someone to my door every 5 minutes." "I thought it was necessary, you haven't been acting yourself lately and..." 

"You don't trust me." Wooyoung's tone was icy cold, causing goosebumps to appear along my arms. He paused momentarily, fork raised, before he continued eating as before.

"No Wooyoung, it's not that we don't trust yo.."

"Yes it is, you have never trusted me, any of you, you've never really known who I am so as soon as I say one thing out of place, or do one action that is slightly unusual." He looked up towards Hongjoong to finish his sentence. "You presume I'm a completely different person, almost like I'm being controlled by someone else." 

I could visibly see the cogs turning in Hongjoong's head as he processed Wooyoung's words, almost like he believed Wooyoung. 


What happened to the plan. I glanced around the table surreptitiously and everyone looked just as guilty as the other, can no one see what he is really trying to do, he's manipulating all of us and I refuse to fall for it. 

I turn my gaze to Wooyoung, he too looked as if he was processing something in his mind, almost like he was making a decision. Wooyoung would never say those words to Hongjoong I thought as I gazed back down towards my food. 

If no one else is going to go through with this. Then I fucking will.

However I never got the chance to.

Everyone around the table had begun to chat again, about things like the next mission, extra supplies we needed. I was definitely not listening whatsoever. My concentration was all focused on Wooyoung, trying to figure out my plan before I strike. Before I knew it dinner was finished and we were taking our plates up to be washed, Yunho had clearly noticed my lack of concentration on their conversation and pulled me to the side quietly, "what's wrong, you don't believe him?" 


"Neither do I." 

"He brought his daggers with him."

We walked together towards the sink, each clear on our intentions towards Wooyoung. The fact I wanted nothing more then to knock him out at this moment made me feel so much pain inside and I constantly reminded myself. It's not him. It's not Wooyoung

Now was the perfect chance to do it, his back was towards us as he messily scrubbed his plate clean, the others had moved away from the sink and were about to leave having finished their washing up, Yunho was just behind me in case anything went wrong.

I raised the plate in my hand, not too high, just enough to get the right force to knock him out. Remember. It's not Wooyoung. This Wooyoung can't remember anything we have done, this Wooyoung know's nothing of how the real Wooyoung acts.

I'm sorry, I speak in my mind, 

before smashing the plate down.

But it never reaches it's target.

The room becomes silent, everyone's attention focused on me and Wooyoung, my hand stopped mid air holding the plate, all because he whispered five words.

"Didn't we make a promise"

But those five words made my mind momentarily spin as I stumbled back a step in surprise. 

"How do you know that?" I questioned. He could only know we made that promise if this person standing in front of me was really the man I loved. 

Just like that I was filled with guilt, ashamed at my actions. How could I possibly not recognise this was still Wooyoung, he wasn't being controlled in the first place and I had never trusted him, had never even stopped to think that maybe, it was really Wooyoung.

His back was still too me as he stood over the sink, unmoving, as was everyone else in this room. No one knew what to do. By the way his body was shaking it looked as if he was crying and in that moment my heart was instantly broken into hundreds of little pieces. And it hurt. It hurt so fucking much.

But it didn't hurt as much as Wooyoung's daggers did pressed against my throat.

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