Chapter 32

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Wooyoung POV 


The cold outside became absorbed by the thin glass separating my body from the outside world. 

And the rain poured down.


And harder.



I could hear the thoughts of others in the room. Not literally, but only an idiot would be oblivious to the tension swirling around, deafeningly loud, drowning out any other emotion. That was until Seonghwa appeared, out apparent bait for this mission. 

A black mask covered his terrified expression, along with the full length black clothes that matched it, too masking his body language which, in itself, mimicked that of a mouse walking into a lion's den. 

Guilt washed over the tension, practically oozing off of every soul in the room. Including mine. My mind cast back to the previous mission, what had become of me, what had almost become of someone else because I was, in essence, the boss's bait too. 

The atmosphere between everyone the past few days had been insufferable. Looking back at it now we have only just realised how much Seongwha has always done for us, without asking for anything in return. Not that anyone ever thought of giving him anything anyway. And that's the worst part about all of this, Seongwha is here purely because of us.

We had been friends and most of us new Seongwha, outside of work of course. When he saw how we lived, what we did. Well, to say he was distraught was an understatement in my opinion. 

Not as distraught as we all were when Seongwha showed up for the next mission we were going on. 

'I talked to your boss, he let me in.' Seongwha's hands rested on his hips as he stood his ground against us. 

'Seongwha, what have you done. You need to leave, leave all of this behind before you get in too deep.' 

'What, and leave you all here to die or something.' He never backed down, this instance was no different. 

The rest of us all stood in front of Seongwha. Gazes unwavering as Hongjoong finally spoke, the strength behind his voice clearly forced in an attempt to put Seongwha off. 

'Yes. To die' 

'Absolutely not, you all know I would never leave you. So your going to have to live with it.' 

What an idiot. 

A fucking loyal and utterly incredible idiot. 

And he's probably going to die because of it. 

Instinctively, as if San, Yunho, Hongjoong etc all thought the exact same thing we moved slightly closer to Seongwha's figure which, by now was stood in the corner of the room, as far away from the boss as physically possible. 

"I am presuming you all got the notes for today's mission which I sent for you to read last night." 

No one responded. 

No one. Even. Flinched.

"I'll take that as a yes then. Seongwha, do you understand what it is you need to do?" Our heads all swerved towards his cowering body as he went to speak. 

"Yes I—"

"Good then, I think it's best you keep it to yourself" he glanced at Hongjoong, an unintended staring match commenced before he finished his sentence, mockery lacing each word. "You know, to prevent any distractions for certain members of this team." 

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